Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

  Frederique's Haircut

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Frederique’s Haircut

In the midst of a haircut you are quiet and sure,
Patiently waiting in a turquoise cutting cape
With a mosaic of smiling faces up and down the sides Inviting and stylish and full of good cheer
All of them had haircuts like you are having now
Many got it cut short and others had it cut long A few buzzed it off while some fluffed it out.
All of them asking, “How are you going to wear yours?”
Are your pretty brown locks going to have a barrette? Perhaps they will be topped with a red a bow
Or maybe with flowers neatly tucked in a row
They might shake and roll to the blare of music Or hang peacefully with the reading of a book
How you choose to flaunt it will be your decision
The way you tease your hair can be a daily revision.