Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

  Burning at Both Ends

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Burning at Both Ends

Like a hall of mirrors,
Joe will disappear
In to a mist of Harris.
Trumped by more,
Than just an act,
Deep down Donald,
Really cares.
He's done it all,
A businessman,
A media star,
He was an American icon,
Before he even started.

Whereas Joe and Harris,
Were forever arguing with themselves.
To them one pool of suggestion,
Is just as good as the next.
The only reason they have,
A foothold is,
Journalism is dead.

Today the comedian,
Reads you the news,
Like Real Time with Bill Maher.
When lies aren't wrapped up,
With a little click-bait bow,
The masses just aren't keen,
To even know.

Maher, the fool, is given importance,
By those that come on his show,
Stars of all stripes,
Trying to share in their Coolness.
A reciprocal relationship
Reflects back on itself.
Marked with no family
Or inner heart,
Maher seems nihilistic mostly,
Who laughs at the entire world.
Never with the common man,
Fearing not in Truth,
Fearing not in God,
But for all his Earthly Powers,
Within all his pawns,
They sadly aren't enough.

Fools that follow the foolish,
Tend to NOT be very much.

At some point Trump,
Must have known,
Time ends for us all.
Death comes for all things.

Don't be misled,
This man burns with passion.
Rich or poor.
Poor or rich.
Black or White.
White or Black.
Death like life is an Eternal flame.
There's no coming back from it.

Love Trump.
Hate Trump.
It's all the same.
Just know he left his mark,
So many times,
No doubt he's sparked,
So much talk.
But the key is Trump,
Wants to be remembered,
For the record books.
Not by those who will,
Never remember,
What they said just yesterday.

Trump believes in greatness.
Trump believes in Legacy.
I know his mistress wasn't a Porn Star.
It was Death,
Forever calling his Name.

The man is a candle,
Burning brightly at both ends.
Family and American Unity,
Holds all the values in him.

He's not just some,
Soulless politician.

Where Maher, Harris, and Joe,
Don't even hold any,
Real policy declarations.