I take the news like bitter drops
Told to me by self-important
Loud-mouth fools
(Hear them crying)
(Over spilt milk!)
(No! No! No!)
(Oh. No.)
I fear my ears will bleed
Listening to their slop
Unnerving barks of disdain
From partisan tools
(They have picked their sides)
(There’s no doubt)
(Not at all)
(Oh. No.)
I need not a spoonful of sugar
To stomach their truths.
(It just won’t go down.)
(No! No! No!)
(It just won’t go down.)
(No. Way!)
Better to digest logic and
Pull out lies by their roots.
(Pull them out!)
(Pull them all out!)
(Oh. Yes!)
When falsehoods recycle
They are the world’s dirtiest fuels
Simple to burn
And even easier to use.
(Oh. Oh so so so easy!)
I fear for the veracity printed
On bubblegum wrappers
Ripped and discarded,
Then walked on by their shoes
(Without a thought)
(Just without a care!)
(Oh. Oh. No!)
A News Maker’s mind is
As sturdy as tissue paper
They never report so much
As speak their bias views
God damn their trickery
Is this nation’s biggest ruse.
(Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.)
(Oh. No. No. No.)
We must act now!
(Now must we all act!)
There’s no question
What we must do
(Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.)
(Oh. Oh. Oh. Yeah.)
What we must do
(Yes. Yes. Yes.)
What we must do!