maieutic xeric widdershins roustabout verdant zeitgeist meritorious

grisly vinaceous hermitage skosh pathos incumbent ebullient

affable adjure vaunted funambulism simon-pure omnium-gatherum



* 2019 - 2020 *  
abeyance a state of temporary inactivity : suspension 2: a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested
ab ovo from the beginning
abulia abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions
accoutrement an accessory item or clothing or equipment--usually used in plural
ad hoc concerned with or formed for a particular purpose 2: improvised
adjure to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse : to urge or advise earnestly
adulation excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
affable being pleasant and at ease in talking to others 2: characterized by ease and friendliness
amicable characterized by friendly goodwill : peaceable
animus a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will
antediluvian of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible 2: made, evolved, or developed a long time ago
anthropomorphic described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes
appellation an identifying name or title : designation : the act of calling by a name
arbiter a person with power to decide a dispute : judge : a person or considered authoritative
artifice clever or artful skill : ingenuity b: a clever device or artful stratagem : trick 2: false or insincere behavior
atoll a coral island consisting of a reef surrounding a lagoon
●● atychiphobia the morbid fear of failure
aught anything 2: all, everything
avuncular of or relating to an uncle 2: suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality
balletomane a devotee of ballet
bereft deprived or robbed of the possession or use of something : lacking something needed
bootless useless, unprofitable
brachiate to progress by swinging from hold to hold by the arms
breadbasket slang : stomach 2: a major ceral-producing region
bromide a compound containing bomine : a tiresome person : a hackneyed statement or idea
bruit report, rumor -- usually used with about
burgeon to send forth new growth : sprout : bloom : to grow and expand rapidly : flourish
cabotage trade or transport in coastal waters or airspace or between two points within a coutry
catbird seat a position of great prominence or advantage
catch-22 a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule
caterwaul to make a harsh cry 2: to protest or complain noisily
chaussure footgear : plural : shoes
chicane to use deception : to trick or cheat
chin-wag conversation, chat
chirography handwriting, penmanship : calligraphy
● chthonic of or relating to the underworld
circuitous having a circular or winding course : not being forthright or direct in language or action
circumlocution the use of an unecessarily large number of words to express an idea 2: evasion in speech
clarion brilliantly clear; also : loud and clear
cockamamie ridiculous, incredible
cohort a group of warriors or solidiers : band, group : companion, colleague
collogue intrigue, conspire : to talk privately : confer
Colonel Blimp a pompous person with out-of-date or ultraconservative views; broadly : reactionary
comminute to reduce to minute particles : pulverize
compendious marked by brief expression of a comprehensive matter : concise and comprehensive
conciliate appease 2: to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts 3: to make compatible : reconcile
concinnity harmony or elegance of design esp. of literary style in adaptation of parts to a whole
copious yielding something abundantly : plentiful in number : full of thought, information, or matter
coruscate to give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes : sparkle 2: to be brilliant or showy in technique or style
countenace the human face 2: favor approval
crackerjack of striking ability or excellence
cunctation delay
cupidity inordinate desire for wealth : avarice, greed : strong desire : lust
dally to act playfully; esp. : to play amourously : to deal lightly : toy : to waste time : linger
debilitate to impair the strength of
defalcation the act or an instance of embezzling 2: a failure to meet a promise or an expectation
deference respect and esteem due a superior or an elder : affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes
deipnosophist a person skilled in table talk
deke to fake (an opponent) out of position (as in ice hockey)
demagogue a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises to gain power
demiurge one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power
demulcent soothing
denigrate to attack the reputation of : defame : to deny the importance or validity of : belittle
derelict abandoned esp. by the owner or occupant : run-down 2: lacking a sense of duty : negligent
derrick a hoisting apparatus employing a tackle rigged at the end of a beam : a framework or tower
despot a ruler with absolute power and authority : a person exercising power tyrannically
devolve to pass to another (something, such as a tradition or responsibility) : to degenerate
devotion religious fervor : piety : a religious exercise of practice for private use
● diablerie black magic : sorcery : a representation of sorcery in words or pictures : mischievous conduct or manner
diffident hesitant if acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence : reserved, unassertive
disaffected discontented and resentful esp. against authority : rebellious
disinformation false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion
disingenuous lacking in candor; also : giving a false appearance of simple frankness : calculating
disputatious inclined to dispute : marked by disputation : provoking debate : controversial
doctrinaire attempting to put inot effect an abstract doctrone or theory with little or no regard
dreidel a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top
dudgeon a fit or stae of indignation--often used in the prase in high dudgeon
duress forcible restraint or restriction 2: compulsion by threat : unlawful constraint
ebullient boiling, agitated : having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm : exuberent
echelon a steplike arrangement : one of series of leveles or grades in an organization or field of activity
ecstatic of, relating to, or marked by rapturous delight
effete no longer fertile : having lost character, vitality, or strengh : soft or delicate from -
effulgence radiant splendor : brilliance
elephantiasis enlargement and thickening of tissues caused by obstruction of lymphatics 2: an unwanted growth or enlargement
encomium glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise : also : an expression of this
epigone follower, disciple; also : an inferior imitator
epigram a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying : expression in the manner of such a saying
epithet a characterizing word or phrased used in place of a name : abusive word or phrase
eponymous of, relating to, or being one for whom or which somethign is or is believed to be named
esemplastic shaping or having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole
evince to constitute outward evidence of : to display clearly : reveal
exiguous excessively scanty : inadequate
exodus the mainly narrative second book of cannonical Jewish and Christian Scripture 2: a mass departure : emigration
expatriate a person who lives in a foreign country : a person who has renounced his or her native country
expunge to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion : to efface completely : destroy
facile easily accomplished, handled, or attained : shallow, simplistic 2: ready fluent : poised, assured
facsimile an exact copy : system of transmitting and reproducing graphic mater by means of signals sent
faineant idle and ineffectual : indolent
favonian of or relatingto the west wind : mild
felicitate to consider happy or fortunate : to offer congratulations to
fiduciary involving a confidence or trust : held or holding in trust for another
fillip to urge on : stiulate
finicky extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards
fire-sale heavily discounted
flaneur an idle man-about-town
flatfoot condition in which the arch of the instep is flattened so the entire sole rests upon the ground
flippant lacking proper respect or seriousness
flotsam floating wreakage of a ship or its cargo; broadly : floating debris
flyting a dispute or exchange of personal abuse in verse form
foolscap a cap or hood usually with bells worn by jesters : a conical cap for slow or lazy students
forebear ancestor; forefather; also : precursor
froward habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
frowsy musty, stale : having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance
fructify to bear fruit : to make fruitful or productive
fulcrum the support about which a lever turns : one that supples capability for action
funambulism tightrope walking : a show esp. of mental agility
gamut the whole series of recognized usical notes : an entire range or series
gargantuan tremendous in size, volume, or degree : gigantic, colossal
glaucous of a pale yellow-green color : having a powdery or waxy coating that gives a froasted apperance
gloaming twilight, dusk
gnomic characterized by aphorism : given to the composition of aphoristic writing
golden handcuffs special denefits offered to an employee as an inducement to continue serivce
Gordian knot an intricate problem; esp. : a probelm insoluble in its own terms
gorgonize to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on : stupefy, petrify
gormless lacking intelligence : stupid
gravamen the material or significant part of a grievance or complaint
grimalkin a domestic cat; esp. : an old female cat
grisly inspiring horror or intense fear : inspiring disgust or distaste
grok to understand profoundly and intuitively
habeas corpus a writ issued to bring a party before a court : the right to obtain such a writ
haggard of a hawk : not tamed : wild in appearance : having a worn or emaciated appearance : gaunt
halcyon of or relating to the kingfisher : calm, peaceful : happy, golden : prosperous, affluent
harbinger one that pioneers in or initiates a major change : precursor : one that presages or foreshadows
hard-boiled devoid of sentimentality : tough 2: hardheaded, practical
hebdomadal occurring, appearing or done every week : weekly
hegemony dominant influence or authority over others : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence
hermitage the habitation or condition of a hermit : secluded residence or private retreat; also : monastery
heterodox contray to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form
hirsute hairy 2: covered with coarse stiff hairs
histrionic deliberately affected : theatrical : of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater
homily a usually short sermon 2: a lecture or discourse on a moral theme 3: inspirational catchphrase
hyperbole extravagant exaggeration
hypermnesia abnormally vivid or complete memory or recall of the past
hyphenate a person who performs more than one function (as a producer-director in filmmaking)
incongruous lacking congruity as : not harmonious : incompatible : not conforming : disagreeing
incumbent the holder of an office of ecclesiastical benefice : one that occupies a particular position or place
indefeasible not capable of beign annulled or voided or undone
indigence a level of poverty in which real hardship and deprivation are suffered
ineffable incapable of being expressed in words : indescribable : unspeakable : not to be uttered : taboo
infix a derivational or inflectional affix appearing in the body of a word
ingurgitate to swallow greedily or in lage quantities : guzzle
inkling a slight indication or suggestion : hint, clue 2: a slight knowledge or vague notion
inselberg an isolated mountain
insuperable incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over or solved
intemperate not moderate or mild : severe : lacking or showing lack of restraint
intransigent characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an often extreme position or attitude
inveterate firmly established by long presistence 2: confirmed ina habit : habitual
jalousie a blind with adjustable horizontal slats for admitting light and air while excludign sun and rain
jeunesse doree young people of wealth and fashion
katzenjammer hangover : distress : a discordant clamor
keelhaul to haul under the keel of a ship as punishment or torture : rebuke severely
kickshaw a fancy dish : a showy trifle
king's ransom a very large sum of money
lacuna a black space or a missing part : gap, also : deficiency, inadequacy : a small cavity, pit
langue language viewed abstractly as a system of forms and conventions used for communication
lanuginous covered with down or fine soft hair
levigate polish, smooth : to grind to a fine smooth powder while in moist condition
lido a fashionable beach resort
Locofoco a member of the US Democratic party
logomachy a dispute over or about words 2: a controversy marked by verbiage
lookism prejudice or discrimination base on physical appearance and esp. physical appearance
luciferin any of various organic substances that upon oxidation produce a virtually heatless light
lucubration laborious or intensive study; also : the product of such study; usually used in plural
luculent clear in thought or expression : lucid
ludic of, relating to, or characterized by play : playful
lugubrious mournful; esp. : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful 2: dismal
maieutic relating to or resembling the Socratic method of eliciting new ideas from another
mansuetude the quality or stae of being gentle : meekness, tameness
marmoreal of, relating to, or suggestive of marble or a marble statue esp. in coldness or aloofness
marshal a person who arrages and directs the ceremonial aspects of a gathering
megillah slang : a long involved story or account
meliorism the belief that the world tends to improve and the humans can aid its betterment
meritorious worthy or reward, gratitude, honor, or esteem
●● meshuggener a foolish or crazy person
mimesis imitation, mimicry
monger broker, dealer--usually used in combination : one who spreads discreditable information
motley variegated in color : made up of many different people or things
munificent very liberal in giving or bestowing : lavish 2: characterized by great liberality or generosity
mutatis mutandis with the respective differences having been considered
nebbish a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
nexus a nnecting point or link; also : a causal link 2: a connected group series 3: center, focus
niveous of or relating to snow : resembling snow (as in whiteness) : snowy
nonage the state of beign a legal minor 2: a period of youth : lack of maturity
numinous supernatural, mysterious 2: filled with a sense of the presence of divinity
objet trouve a natural or discarded object found by chance and held to have aesthetic value
obnubilate to make cloudy or obscure
occiput the back part of the head or skull
omnium-gatherum a miscellanceous collection (as of things or persons)
oneiric of or relating to dreams : dreamy
pace contrary to the opinion of - usually used as an expression of deference to someone opinion
palindrome a word, vrse, or sentence or a number that reads the same backward or forward
pantheon a temple dedicated to all the gods, also : the gods of a people 2: a group of illustrious persons
pariah a member of a low caste of southern India :outcast
pastiche a musical, literary, or artistic work that imitates the style of previous work
pathos an element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion
pedagogical of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education
penitence the quaility or state of being penitent : sorrow for sins of faults
perfidious of, relating to, or characterized by faithlessness or disloyalty : treacherous
permeable capable of being permeated : penetrable, esp. : having pores or opening that permit liquids or gases to pass through
petard a case containing an explosive to break down a door or gate or breach a wall
pianistic of, relating to, or characteristic of the piano : skilled in or well adapted to piano playing
piebald composed of incongruous parts : of different colors esp. spotted or blotched with black & white
pink to perforate in an ornamental pattern : to cut a saw-toothed edge on : pierce, stab : ridicule
plenary complete in every respect : absolute, unqualified : fully attended or constituted
polemic an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or priciples of another
popinjay a strutting supercilious person
portentous being a sign or omen : elicting amazement or wonder 3: self-sonsciously solemn or serious
precatory expressing a wish
precocial capable of a high degree of independent activity from birth
precarious dependent on uncertain premises or chance circumstances 2: dangerouly lacking in security or steadiness
prehension the act of taking hold, seizing, or grasping 2: mental understanding : comprehension
profligate wildly extravagant : very wasteful : abandoned to vice and corruption : shamelessly immoral
pusillanimous lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
qua in the capacity or character of : as
quiddity whatever makes something the type that it is : essence 2: a trifling point : quibble
quiescent marked by inactivity or repose : tranquilly at rest : causing no trouble or symptoms
rarefied being less dense 2: of relating to, or interesting to a select group : esoteric 3: very high
rathskeller a usually basement tavern or restaurant
recalcitrant obstinately defiant of authority or restraint 2: difficult to manage or operate : resistant
redolent exuding fragrance : aromatic 2: full of specified fragrance : scented
revanche revenge esp. : a usually political policy designed to recover lost territory or status
rodomontade a bragging speech : vain boasting or bluster : rant
rostrum a stage or platform for public speaking
roustabout a worker in an oil field, on a dock, or on a ship : a worker at a circus or carival
Rube Goldberg accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply
saltation the action or process of leaping or jumping : dance : the origion of a new species
sanctimonious hypocritically pious or devout
sansculotte an extreme radical republican in France at the time of the Revolution 2: a radical or violent extremist in politics
saturnine born under or influenced by the planet Saturn : cold and steady in mood : slow to act or change
schadenfreude enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others
sciential relating to or producing knowledge or science : having efficient knowledge : capable
sentient responsive to or conscious of sense impressions 2: having or showing understanding or knowledge : aware
septentrional northern
sequester to set apart : segregate 2: to seize by authority of a writ
simon-pure of untainted purity or integrity: also : pretentiously or hypocritically pure
skosh a small amount : bit, smidgen
slake satisfy, quench : to cause to heat an crumble by treatment with water
sobriquet a descriptive name or eithet : nickname
sockdolager something that settles a matter : decisive blow or answer : finisher
soi-disant self-proclaimed, so-called
solicitous showing attentive care or protectiveness : full of concern or fears : appreensive
spilth the act or an instance of spilling : something spilled : refuse, rubbish
sparge sprinkle, bespatter; esp. : spray 2: to agitate (a liquid) by menas of compressed air or gas
sternutation the act, fact, or noise of sneezing
struthious of or relating to the ostriches and related birds
suborn to induce secretly to do an unlawful thing 2: to induce to commit prejury : to otain (perjured testimony) from a witness
sui generis constituting a class alone : unique, peculiar
supercilious coolly and patronizingly haughty
surfeit an overabundant supply : excess : an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something
sward a portion of ground covered with grass : grassy surface of land
sycophant a servile self-seeking flatterer
synecdoche a figure of speech by which a less encompassing term is put for more encompassing term or vice versa
thew muscular power or development : strength, vitality : muscle, sinew - usually used in plural
tintinnabulation a jingling or tinkling sound from or as if from bells
tocsin an alarm bell or the ringing of it 2: a warning signal
trichologist a person who specializes in hair and scalp care : hairdresser
tristful sad, melancholy
troglodyte one who lived or was reputed to in a cave 2: a person characterized by reclusive habits
turbid cloudy or discolored by suspended particles : confused, muddled
turducken a boneless chicken stuffed into a doneless duck stuffed into a boneless turkey
unctuous fatty, oily : smooth and greasy in texture or appearance : plastic : insincerely smooth in speech
untoward difficult to manage or work with : unruly : marked by trouble or unhappiness : unlucky
usufruct the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another
vade mecum a book for ready reference : manual : something regularly carried about by a person
valedictory of or relating to an act of bidding farewell : expressing or containing a farewell
validate to establish that something is legal, official, or correct 2: to grant offical sanction to by marking
vaunted highly or widely praised or boasted about
verdant green in tint or color : green with growing plants : unripe in experience or judgment : green
victual food usable by people 2: supplies of food
vignette a running ornament or design on the pages of a book : a picture or engraving
vinaceous of the color of red wine
vouchsafe to grant or furnish often in a graciosu or condescending manner : to give by way of replay
weald a heavily woooded area : forest 2: a wild or uncultivated usually upland region
whilom former
widdershins in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction : counterclockwise
winnow to remove (something, such as chaff) by a current of air 2: to remove sparate
xenial relating to, or constituting hospitality or relations between host and guest
xeric characterized by, relating to, or requiring only a small amount of moisture
yashmak a veil worn by Muslim women that is wrapped around the upper and lower parts of the face
zeitgeist often capitalized : the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
zest keen enjoyment : relish, gusto