Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:




Autism (approximately 1 in 54 children in the U.S.)
Anxiety (18.1% of the pop.)
Addiction (21 million Americans have at least one)
Bipolar Disorder (1.0% of pop.)
Borderline Personality Disorder (1.4% of pop.)
Depression (6.7% of pop.)
Dissociative identity disorder (0.5% – 2.0% of pop.)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2 to 3 million)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (8 million)
Schizophrenia (3.5 million)

Today date: August 11, 2020

On this day I form a new group that is trusted to correct a great injustice of our times. While far too many of us lose their minds to what makes up gender the sanctity of our collective selves falls seamlessly out of peace. Perhaps it will be gone forever as we slip into the chill of dark times and utter chaos. Between a nightmare and a "memory hole" this place and time never really mattered at all for it was not remembered and therefore forgotten. An unfathomable horror in this life and the next is having no clue who you are at this moment or who you will become when you end up shipwrecked on a barren island of neglect.