Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

 The Emptiness of Not Knowing


There is no futility greater on earth than the futility of an empty mind. A made up mind cannot be dealt a different reason, despite the number of times it is stated or in the eloquence of its frame.
~ Paul Ruggeri

This is another quote that I have come up with. I think reading quotes and writing tweets on twitter has given me the ability to focus my thoughts better and come up with my own quotes. I believe making note of quotes really opens your eyes to what is happening in the world because quotes are ideas that have been distilled by time, little pockets of wisdom that can teach those who are willing to learn. Unlike books that require long bouts of inquiry, a quote can be read in seconds and be incorporated into your daily thinking.

The paths of histories are shown in their wakes. The tales of what was and what will soon be echoes in frozen warnings and hopeful suggests and they are the notions needed to be written down and found to be important enough to be remembered long after the ink has dried.

It is often been said that everything worth writing has already been written. That statement might be even truer with ever time it is repeated. Perhaps the whole world of knowledge has already been written and the quotes of old have lost their luster. We might need new quotes to be rephrased for the dawn of a new day. Foolish things will always be spoken when people don’t realize that so much that has been thought of was written in yesterday’s pockets of wisdom. Their thoughts could have been clever had they listened. Had they reasoned with the past they could have known how to see tomorrow instead of repeating the mistakes that histories forgotten had stumbled upon. Hubris is the folly of many, but the foolish know it every day they support without awareness and succumb to the zeal of change without humble reflections.

Before rushing ahead into the unknown it best to take stock with that which has come before and equip yourself for your travels. Others who have gone before will be familiar with your path. They will tell you of the many pitfalls you will face and the way around the snow. You don’t want to be caught in the wilderness howling at the moon because you lost your way.

Someone could be lost and abandoned and still be surrounded by a crowd, drowned by screams of madness and utterly alone with no individually to call your own. This is the way of a mob, a wave without a destination, a place for chants and empty slogans, but no place for the quotes of many great thinkers to find a way to be known.