Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

 Each Rowing the Wrong Way


I was at a restaurant and I asked this young woman a simple question. I thought she didn't hear me at first and then I realized that she couldn't understand a word of English.

The funny thing is I applied there once a few years ago for a job. I speak English fine and have a culinary degree. Did I get a call back? NO!!!! Now I have to wonder what the hell is happening in this restaurant. For one thing it’s not because I don’t have any talent in cooking. It’s not like they give culinary degrees out like fortune cookies. That was over a year of my life in the study of food preparation.

Here we have someone who doesn't speak what appears to be a word of English or at least a enough English to answer a very simple question. It would appear that I would have to learn Spanish before someone like this would have to learn English.

I can look into the kitchen and there is not one white face, yet there are a lot of servers in the front of the house greeting the customers that are the white type. I supposed that you can't have the customers knowing how to speak something other than English, but that could change on a dime. I can see customers in the future with their translation books ordering like they are in Italy or France, which soon won't be like Italy or France if you heard about the illegals flooding into those countries, more so than in the US, but the thing about that is the US is a much bigger country and more illegals are flooding those smaller countries, this isn't going to be something that you can fix down the line, it is more like dumping a jar of salt into a pot of soup.

It would be easier to empty the whole pot and start over again than try to fix that sort of thing and with something like a pie or a cake the damn thing has been baked in. There is really nothing someone can do about that.

That is why baking is so unforgiving and you really have to know what you are doing. There is no tasting to see if there is something that is missing like with hot foods. The only thing you can do is bake a pie and then taste it and then improve on the next one, but when you bake a country there is no fixing that. The whole thing can go to crap and the only way to fix something like that is civil war and stuff like that, the whole thing is going to need to be ripped apart and that is going to be messy.

I am thinking I will most likely be dead before things really start to get the worst. The thing is that a person can only keep it together so long while going down a one-way road before they hit something big enough to ruin their entire decade. There are people coming to the US that don't think they are American and don't want be an American, they want to be what they want to be and on top of that they really hate America and then there are people that want these people to come into the US, the more the better, who also hate American by the way, maybe the most of all, that just don't care. You have to wonder what their endgame is.

Are they going for checkmate and in their mind what does checkmate mean to them. They probably don't play chess with any rules at all and think the pawns are victims and should be the most powerful pieces on the board. It like they are reading the book of America and will mark it up and rewrite it like it is their term paper, but you have to have the good and the bad of a country, sure there are people and sure they aren't perfect.

It is so painful to my ears when I hear things like “people aren't perfect” because the only perfection is in the mind. That's why there is no heaven on Earth. So you can't scrub the past clean. People have to learn from the past and move on and make the future better. It is so simple and a nitwit should follow this plan, yet these people that think they are so smart that they can fight basic logic and rules like in a game of chess. If there is no unity then there is nothing, because you can't have everyone in a rowboat rowing their own way.