Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Squeaky Wheel of Social Justice


Squeaky Wheel of Social Justice

I happen to be bipolar. Many times I have become manic enough to cause significant problems which lead to cops showing up and me being locked up. For those that don't know what it means to be bipolar, I would swing one way to feelings of suicide and forward to feelings of Godhood. I go from states of energy to moments of doubt. I move from religious thought to nihilism and atheism. I fall to being a leftist at times to moving away from that ideology. I feel that my thoughts are not entirely mine, but I also feel that I have a worldview that covers much ground, mixed with a considerable amount of empathy.

I can understand if a person cannot pick one or two genders because I also cannot remain in one state, yet where I have a name for my condition this supposedly more significant segment of the population needs to identify with an untenable number of disorders. That is what it is – a disorder. It is not normal. I have realized that I am not normal unless you think killing yourself at the start of the month and becoming a God at the end of the month is normal. The utter absurdity of this issue is the backbreaking effort to appease these abnormal people. “Normal” thought is dead. Now the normal people are no longer normal; now they are “cis normal.” Maybe it is because I walk the line between two states I am moved to look beyond the vast divide.

It pains me how others become locked to their spaces without any hope of venturing to the other side. My thoughts are very rational I believe. I see clearly on issues regarding the environment and abortion. There is always a middle ground; I know this because I found a middle ground in myself. I do not have the manic Godlike powers I was deluded in having so I am not able to fix these problems for you.

I can only hope that time will swing the pendulum from those that have lost their minds and hope that the pendulum doesn't swing too far back. Perhaps the bipolar nature of society can be cured. It is as if people don't understand that some of us have memories that can look backwards in time and see that this issue has come out of nowhere.

Where was the seed of craziness in 2005? Where was the seed in 1995? That is the great insult to me. The people who have the biggest platforms believe that the whole world has the attention span of a flea. You cannot break the pendulum off in the land of maniacal madness; instead it is going to crash back into a startling awakening. For every inch in one direction there is a chance that things will snap back.

A bipolar patient is a slow-burning mess. First his thoughts are slow and dark and then he goes without sleep, every day only getting an hour of sleep and then no sleep for a week. The mind can't function without sleep, just like a society can't function without reason. One side fears change and the other side blazes to it, only change is no more important than the solid ground, for movement for movement's sake is not always forward, especially when you have the attention span of a flea. Social media always burn hot, in a manic frenzy way. I have watched how it boils to the surface of the regular news more and more. People are becoming aware of these stories loaded with nonsense. I doubt they will continually deal with a squeaky wheel. Honestly, how much longer can society kowtow to these people with a heavy heart and endless goodness?