Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Pushing Over the Apple Cart


Pushing Over the Apple Cart

Knowing Better: The Straight White Man's Guide to Feminism and Social Justice

I've listened to almost the entire video. But all together something is not working here. Basically, it comes down to the BLUE HAIR. It really isn't enough that things will improve, like pushing the apple cart down the road, only that far too many want to, in fact, push the cart completely over and chose not to be reasonable at all. "Knowing Better" seems to want to split the difference, which is fine, yet that's not what the movers and shakers are doing.

I call this element of change "The Squeaky Wheel", like shopping carts where one wheel will lock up making the cart nearly unusable, where it's likely to turn the cart beyond your control and it ends up careering into a display of black beans.

Because of this reason the "The Squeaky Wheel" is mostly dealt with in two ways. Either they are pandered too dearly or they are discarded for another shopping cart they can work. Those that don't wish to work with you are have more insanity than most anyone can deal with, especially when the BLUE HAIR types can't wait a minute, let alone a month for a change in policy and they actually want to lay waste to the landscape.

Coming back to the BLUE HAIR I am reminded of the gay pride parades and their wild chants as they marched down the streets: "We are queer, we are here, and we are in your face!"

Imagine the shortsightedness of someone yelling about their "safe spaces" while standing on your toes and getting into your face and then expecting that the world will treat them like they are acting with finesse. Social Justice is not all it's cracked up to be and it troubles me that others would be lead down that pitfall. "Knowing Better" tells us he likes to cook and it doesn't take a chef to tell you when you add a certain ingredients to a recipe you end up transforming the dish into something new, so by say adding "Witch" to "Trial" that's no longer a trial, but it may be "Social Justice".

Only that's not really justice at all when each HOUSE plays by their own HOUSE RULES. When it's your rules or no rules the apple cart will get pushed over and you end up with no cart or apples to be had by anyone and when that happens every one of us finds themselves at a loss and the only ones happy are nihilistic.