Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Kindle Titles


BY Title -- By Author

Books-2020 Query1
Title Location Author
Book of Mormon Kindle
Clue for the Puzzle Lady, A Kindle
King James Bible Kindle
Little Women Kindle Alcott, Louisa May
Divine Comedy by Dante Kindle Alighieri, Dante
Blacklash: Star Wars Legends Kindle Allston, Aaron
Conviction: Star Wars Legends Kindle Allston, Aaron
Outcast: Star Wars Legends Kindle Allston, Aaron
Other Tales Kindle Altman, Marsha
Ethics Kindle Aristotle
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth Kindle Aslan, Reza
Mansfield Park Kindle Austen, Jane
Pride and Prejudice Kindle Austen, Jane
Limits of Power, The Kindle Bacevich, Andrew J.
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Kindle Bach, Richard
Jonathan Livingston Seagull Kindle Bach, Richard
Messiah's Handbook Kindle Bach, Richard
Familiar Quotations Kindle Bartlett
Arguing with Idiots Kindle Beck, Glenn
Devil's Delusion, The Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions Kindle Berlinski, David
Celtic Key Underground Kindle Best, Barbara
Nazi Nexus Kindle Black, Edwin
Closing of the American Mind Kindle Bloom, Allan
FeminISN'T Kindle Bloomfiled, Janet
Savage Detectives, The Kindle Bolano, Roberto
Psychology: Essential Thinkers Kindle Bonior, Andrea
Blacklash Kindle Borelli, Deneen
If you can Read this Kindle Bowen, Jack
Getting Things Done Kindle Bradford, Dennis E.
Meditative Approach to Philosphy Kindle Bradford, Dennis E.
Personal Transformation Kindle Bradford, Dennis E.
Wuthering Heights Kindle Bronte, Emily
Road to Character, The Kindle Brooks, David
Chasing Azreal (Book 1) Kindle Bulter, Hazel
Secret Garden, The Kindle Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Dead White Guys Kindle Burriesci, Matt
Soft Machine, The (Book 1) Kindle Burroughs, William S.
Seduction of Anita Sarkeesian, The Kindle Bushard, Andrew
Fatty Liver You can Reverse it Kindle Cabot, Sandra
Understanding #Gamergate Kindle Cameron, Scott
How To Win Friends and Influence People Kindle Carnegie, Dale
Spy Who Came in from the Cold Kindle Carre, John Le
Gorilla Mindset Kindle Cernovich, Mike
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The Kindle Chadon, Michael
Lord of Scoudrels Kindle Chase, Loretta
House of My Own, A Kindle Cisneros, Sandra
Wicked Games (Book 1) Kindle Clare, Jessica
I Don't Know Kindle Cohen, Leah Hager
200 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Kindle Collins, Kathy
Hunger Games, The (Book 1) Kindle Collins, Suzanne
Heart of Darkness Kindle Conrad, Joseph
Death of Santini, The Kindle Conroy, Pat
Last of the Mohicans, The Kindle Cooper, James Fenimore
Adios, America Kindle Coulter, Ann
Guilty Liberal "Victims" and Their Assult on America Kindle Coulter, Ann
If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans Kindle Coulter, Ann
Mugged: Racial Demagoguery Kindle Coulter, Ann
White Hart (Book 1) Kindle Dalton, Sarah
SJWs Always Lie Kindle Day, Vox
Ultimate Book of Quotations Kindle Demakis, Joseph
Abyss: Star Wars Legends Kindle Denning, Troy
Apocalypse: Star Wars Legends Kindle Denning, Troy
How to Speak and Write Corectly Kindle Devlin, Joseph
Scanner Darkly, A Kindle Dick, Philip K.
Tale of Two Cities, The Kindle Dickens, Charles
Notes from Underground Kindle Dostoevaky, Fyodor
Adventures of Sherlock Homes Kindle Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
America: Imagine a World without her Kindle D'Souza Dinesh
Big Lie, The Kindle D'Souza, Dinesh
Count of Monte Cristo, The Kindle Dumas, Alexandre
Lover, The Kindle Duras, Marguerite
Writing Kindle Duras, Marguerite
Wish After Midnight Kindle Elliott, Zetta
Accident of Style, Good Advice on How Not to Write Kindle Elster, Charles Harrinton
How To Tell Fate From Destiny Kindle Elster, Charles Harrinton
Tooth and Nail Kindle Elster, Charles Harrinton
Under a Blue Sky Sun Kindle Erickson, David
Thrist (Book 1) Kindle Farrel, Claire
Side of Paradise, The Kindle Fitzerald, F. Scott
Rise of the Robots Kindle Ford, Martin
One Second After (Book 1) Kindle Forstchen, William R.
Lifelong Writing Habit Kindle Fox, Chris
Autobiography of Benjamin Frankin Kindle Franklin, Benjamin
Capitalism and Freedom Kindle Friedman, Milton
Multple Intelligences Kindle Gardner, Howard E.
Sentinel Mage, The Kindle Gee, Emily
Trayvon Hoax, The Kindle Gilbert, Joel
Israel Test, The Kindle Gilder George
Tipping Point, The Kindle Gladwell, Malcolm
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us Kindle Godin, Seth
Suicide of the West Kindle Goldberg, Johah
Tyranny of Cliches Kindle Goldberg, Johah
Allies: Star Wars Legends Kindle Golden, Christie
Ascension: Star Wars Legends Kindle Golden, Christie
Omen: Star Wars Legends Kindle Golden, Christie
Talking to Crazy Kindle Goulston, Mark
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World Kindle Grant, Adam
No Campus for White Men Kindle Greer, Scott
Bible of Unspeakable Truths, The Kindle Gutfeld, Greg
How To Be Right Kindle Gutfeld, Greg
Joy of Hate, The Kindle Gutfled, Greg
Lead Cloak, The (Book 1) Kindle Hanberg, Erik E.
Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway Kindle Hemingway, Ernest
Collected Stories of Amy Hempel Kindle Hempel, Amy
Tumble Home: A Novella and Short Stories Kindle Hempel, Amy
Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens Kindle Hitchens, Christopher
Trust Me, I'm Lying Kindle Holiday, Ryan
Odyssey, The Kindle Homer
Accelerated Learning Kindle Horton, James
Life Without Lawyers Kindle Howard, Philip K.
Throwaway Kindle Huffman, Heather
Door of Perception, The Kindle Huxley, Aldous
Power of the People Kindle Ingraham, Laura
Guide to the Good Life: Ancient Art of Stoci Joy Kindle Irvine, William B.
Legend of Sleepy Hollow Kindle Irving, Washington
Know-It-All, The Kindle Jacobs, A. J.
Year of Living Biblically, The Kindle Jacobs, A. J.
Commencement (Book 1) Kindle James, Roby
Touched With Fire Kindle Jamison, Kay Redfield
What Would Google Do? Kindle Jarvis, Jeff
How Joking About Life Turned Life Into a Joke Kindle Jones, E. Michael
When Breath Becomes Air Kindle Kalanithi, Paul
Snakehead, The Kindle Keefe, Patrick Radden
Complete's Idiot's Guide to the Art of Songwriting Kindle Kelly, Casey
On the Road Kindle Kerouac, Jack
Quran: A Simple English Translation Kindle Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates Kindle Kilmeade
Black Yellowdogs Kindle Kinchlow, Ben
Running Man, The Kindle King, Stephen
Stand, The Kindle King, Stephen
Under the Dome: A Novel Kindle King, Stephen
Contract, The (Book 1) Kindle Kinzer, Tonya
MindWar: A Novel (Book 1) Kindle Klavan, Andrew
Legends of King Arthur and His Knights Kindle Knowles, Sir James
Newbie's Guide to Publishing Kindle Konrath, J. A.
Things That Matter Kindle Kruthammer, Charles
Knowing the Unknown Kindle Lal, Manohar
Ghost: A Novel Kindle Lightman, Alan
Rush Revere and the First Patriots Kindle Limbaugh, Rush
Writing the Breakout Novel Kindle Maass, Donald
Who Built That Kindle Malkin, Michelle
Words: The Way Feelings Control our mind Kindle Margoczi, Gyozo
Feast for Crows, A (Book 4) Kindle Martin, George R. R.
Storm of Swords, A (Book 3) Kindle Martin, George R. R.
Clash of Kings, A (Book 2) Kindle Martin, Geroge R. R.
Shiloh and other stories Kindle Mason, Bobbie Ann
Bigger Leaner Stronger Kindle Matthews, Michael
Twilight Kindle Mayer, Stephenie
Road, The Kindle McCarthy, Cormac
Fairfax & Glew: Vol. 1 Kindle McCoy, Parker
Willpower Instinct, The Kindle McGonigal, Kelly
History of Western Civilization Kindle McNeill, William H.
10 Big Lies About America, The Kindle Medved, Michael
Amerian Miracle, The Kindle Medved, Michael
Mody Dick Kindle Melville, Herman
Why Women Have Sex Kindle Meston, Cindy M.
Tom Clancy's EndWar Kindle Michael, David
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Checkmate Kindle Michaels, David
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Operation Barracuda Kindle Michaels, David
Crucible, The Kindle Miller, Arthur
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #1: Precipice Kindle Miller, John Jackson
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #2: Skyborn Kindle Miller, John Jackson
Silent Kindle Mitchell, D. M.
Everyday Anarchy: Freedom of Now Kindle Molyneux, Stefan
100 Years of the Best American Short Stories Kindle Moore, Lorrie
Utopia Kindle More, Sir Saint Thomas
Making David into Goliath Kindle Muravchik, Joshua
Write Good or Die Kindle Nicholson, Scott
Beyond Good and Evil Kindle Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Living form the Heart Kindle Nirmala
Living from the Heart Kindle Nirmala
Life of Buddha and it Lessons, The Kindle Olcott, Henry Stell
Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity: A Memoir Kindle O'Reilly, Bill
Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism Kindle Paglia, Camille
Blue Hour, The (Book 1) Kindle Parker, T. Jefferson
Guilty Wives Kindle Patterson, James
Assault and flattery: The Truth About the Left Kindle Pavlich, Katie
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos Kindle Peterson, Jordon B.
Hatred Day (Book 1) Kindle Pettibone, T. S.
Guardian Angel: My Journey from Leftism to Sanity Kindle Philips, Melanie
Sense of Style, The Kindle Pinker, Steven
Law Kindle Plato
Republic by Plato Kindle Plato
Happiness Is a Serious Problem Kindle Prager, Dennis
Still the Best Hope Kindle Prager, Dennis
Riddles For Kids Kindle Prefontaine, M.
Monster of Florence Kindle Preston, Douglas
Power of Transcendence Kindle Purcell, Ann
Solid Right Cross Kindle Rachel, Alfonzo
Weapon of A.S.S. Destruction Kindle Rachel, Alfonzo
Out of the Black Kindle Rector, John
Devil Bones: A Novel (Book 11) Kindle Reichs, Kathy
Power of Body Language, The Kindle Reiman, Tonya
7 Secrets of the Prolific, The Kindle Rettig, Hillary
Jewelweed: A Novel Kindle Rhodes, David
Psychology: The Key Concepts Kindle Richards, Graham
Lightning Thief, The Kindle Riordan, Rick
Free though and official propaganda Kindle Russell, Bertand
Problems of Philosophy Kindle Russell, Bertrand
Complete Guide to Article Writing Kindle Saleh, Naveed
I Am God Kindle Sartori, Giacomo
Goodbye, Things Kindle Sasaki, Fumio
KinderGarden of Eden Kindle Sayet, Even
Choice Not an Echo, A Kindle Schlafly, Phyllis
Bullies: How the Left's Cultureof Fear and Intimidation Kindle Shapiro, Ben
How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them Kindle Shapiro, Ben
Frankenstein Kindle Shelley
Time of the Great Freeze Kindle Silverberg, Robert
Red-Green Axis Kindle Simpson, James
By Reason of Insanity Kindle Singer, Randy
Feel Free Eassays Kindle Smith, Zadie
Barbarians: How the Baby Boomers, Immigration… Kindle Southern, Lauren
Devil and the Land of the the Holy Cross, The Kindle Souza, Laura
Quote Book, The Kindle Stanshine, Lynne
White, Guilt Kindle Steele, Shelby
Three Lives and Tender Buttons Kindle Stein, Gertrude
East of Eden Kindle Steinbeck, John
Intimidation Game, The Kindle Strassel
Olive Kitteridge: Fiction Kindle Strout, Elizabeth
God Who Hates, A Kindle Sultan, Wafa
Gulliver's Travels Kindle Swift, Jonathan
Click: What Millions of People Are doing online Kindle Tancer, Bill
Civil Disobedience Kindle Thoreau, Henry David
Nothing & Everything Kindle Tine, Val N.
Anna Karenina Kindle Tolstoy, Leo
Disobey (Book 3) Kindle Truant, J.
How to Live Forever (Book 4) Kindle Truant, J.
Universe Doesn't Give a Flying Fuck About You Kindle Truant, J.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Kindle Twain, Mark
Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, The Kindle Twain, Mark
Tao - The Way Kindle Tzu, Lao
Sinful Cinderella (Book 1) Kindle Valle, Anita
Flipside of Feminism Kindle Vanker, Suzanne
War on Men, The Kindle Venker, Suzanne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Kindle Verne, Juels
My Sould to Lose Kindle Vincent, Rachel
Poems of Walt Whitman Kindle Walt Whitman
Existentialism: A Beginner's Guide Kindle Wartenberg, Thomas E.
Up From Slavery: an autobiography Kindle Washington, Booker T.
American Igrate: Ilhan Omar Kindle Weingarten, Benjamin
Martian, the: A Novel Kindle Weir, Andy
250 Things You Should Know About Writing Kindle Wendig, Chuck
500 Ways To be a Better Writer Kindle Wendig, Chuck
Tipping Points Kindle Wheeler, Liz
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy Kindle Willett, Walter
We the People Kindle Williams, Juan
Extreme Owership Kindle Willink, Jocko
Things I Wish I Knew Kindle Witt, Fred
Dangerous Kindle Yiannopoulos, Milo
Shack, The Kindle Young, William P.
Choces of One: Star Wars Legends Kindle Zahn, Timothy
Dark Force Rising: Star Wars Legends Kindle Zahn, Timothy
Spector of the Past: Star War Legends Kindle Zahn, Timothy
Post-American World, The Kindle Zakaria, Fareed
Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Kindle Zukav, Gary
Book Thief, The Kindle Zusak, Markus