Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

A Social Justice Warrior

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A social justice warrior is on his way,
to complain about a video game.

That didn't tell him he was special

Like most religions, he was visions
Of a world where he leads
A life that's free from critique

Where science barely even matters

It's good to know you're not the
Center of everything
The world does not revolve around you

And you can cry, scream, yell and
Bitch about anything
If something doesn't cater to you

This world isn't for you. ooo
No one needs to award you
Just because
Your family adored you
And nurtured the war you've raged against

The f***** real world!

While he relaxes on his father's private island,
He cries,
"I'm sorry for being white,
How can I pay my reparations?"

To them, you're born in condemnation or some,
Privileged class
Reminds me of Sunday Mass
Spare me your righteous indignation

It's good to know you're not the,
Center of everything
The world does not revolve around you

And you can cry, scream, yell and
Bitch about anything
If something doesn't cater to you

This world isn't for you. ooo
No one needs to award you
Just because
Your family adored you
And nurtured the war you've raged against

The f***** real world!

~ Chris Ray Gun