Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

 Doodle Quotes Racist?

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Some people just have to be offended by something, anything. It makes them feel like they have a life. To the girls of Spark - get a life.
~ Scott Brown


How you got to this conclusion, is beyond comprehension as nothing in that cartoon or picture closely resembles any kind of watermelon, black person, let alone racism. If it is a slow news day, just go to CNN and find something to write about, this is an outrage.


Great Article. If it is close enough to be interpreted as a racist remark, it should not be on the web. The first second I saw it, I was thinking of a black man and a watermelon and that is the point. Google should have some kind of valued and be more sensitive to this issue and to people that are offended by it.
~ Well Said


Africans could use their powers to strike Trump with lightning. Why are we not using this capability that was elucidated by the Science Must Fall crowd in South Africa??!
~ trav777


Idiocy such as this is only perpetuated because the media play along and accept the assumption that "racism" is an ever expanding, ever morphing monster, whose every new manifestation is worthy of news coverage. Not so many years ago we had "racial discrimination," true hate crimes with victims of flesh and blood. "Racism," on the other hand, has become the new Devil of a secular age, ever working and scheming against humankind. By accepting that doodles now may constitute "racism," news media spit in the face of those who genuinely suffer.
~ Michael Aarhus


For the love of god enough of this already! The Google doodles recognize people of various accomplishments, so what if there are not "enough" black women. Like Jerry Seinfeld said, who cares???? Why does it have to be the census? I am a Hispanic woman and there are a lot more Hispanics than Blacks in America, I am not offended in the least and I think a total of zero Hispanic women have had a Google doodle. Have they thought that perhaps there just haven't been enough Black women to feature this far? Get over it!
~ She


I'm generally in favour of anything to change the white, male dominated view of society, but this is ridiculous. The reason why there is such an imbalance of white, male people is because the majority of historical, famous people were white and male. Whether rightly or wrongly, this happened to be the way society worked, and should not be covered up in the name of political correctness.
~ PJ


No offence but have they thought its white men that have actually contributed the most in the past? Google do have other races on their home page all the time. People just love to pull the race card these days and to be honest I’m getting fed up of it as millions of others are. Ohh by the way I’m black if you want to know.
~ Britainfirst123


Has it occurred to anyone that maybe black women have not made a significant contribution to society? And that having an equal distribution of doodles among all races and genders would be racists to white male? I'm so tired of the liberals that keep screaming the race card. They are all a bunch of invalids incapable of understanding logic and common sense. The US has a 2 term black president, shut the hell up about calling racists out. -Non-white male.
~ duhwhocares


Shall we change history for the sake of political correctness and equality and pretend that Charles Darwin didn't discover evolution, Shakespeare was female and Abe Lincoln never existed? Sorry but many great innovations in the western world happened to have been done by white men and history cannot be whitewashed to suit modern liberal trends.
~ Uklad Essex


Pick up any who's who, any dictionary of biography or encyclopedia and the vast majority of entries will be for males (regardless of ethnicity). It has always been that way since books began to be written. Far more men are honored in society than women are. Far more men have notable achievements under their belts than women do, throughout history.
~ Quidnunc


There isn't a 'blatant imbalance', quite simply more white men constitute the greatest inventors, scientists, pioneers, statesmen, writers, creators, philanthropists, business magnates etc. If men and women are to be equally represented on Google Doodles it will result in mediocre women making up the numbers, as we see in every other sphere in society i.e., positive discrimination, all-women shortlists and quotas. Clearly feminists consider this an easier route to notoriety, rather than women raising their game to the high standards men have set and achieving something worthy of a Google Doodle.
~ Magnus Carta


Maybe if women and minorities provided more actions of historical significance they would be represented more. This is just math. So, 62% were white men and 4% black women. Of all the significantly historic things that would be worthy of a doodle, is this % out of line? I don't know. If yes, then there should be more than 4% (same for the other categories). If no, then the doodles accurately represent history. Should we make up awards and accomplishments for women and minorities? Maybe they can doodle Obama's "Nobel Prize".
~ Gobstopper


The answer is blindingly obvious but it's not exactly PC to point it out. White people are responsible for the vast majority of things that have progressed the human race and been of benefit to societies around the World, that's just a fact. Our failings and crimes are exaggerated to draw people’s attention from this fact. For example, how many films on slavery have pointed out just who it was that sold us the slaves? How many have pointed out white people have been enslaved throughout history themselves?
~ Albert


You’re partly right. I dont care how people interpret my actions. If they interpret something i say or do as racist or hate-based, that is a problem with how THEY think. I dont concern myself with such nonsense. I associate with adults, and as adults, i expect those around me to be able to rationalize rather than jump to wild conclusions. But based on your suggestion, we should bow down to anyone who takes any offense to even the most innocent statements or actions. I said "get over yourself" because it sounds to me like this guy is just trying to strike up a controversial converstion purely for the hell of it. Oh, and by the way using terms like "white privilege" is a great way to come off as one of closet racists you referred to.


Agree. We ALL KNOW that chinese people do NOT have slanted eyes! What a horrific racist stereotype! They also DO NOT use chopsticks! James Damore was fired and Daily Stormer’s domain name seized by Google because they are a PRIVATE COMPANY and can do whatever they want- the First Amendment does NOT apply to them. Conversely, NFL Players have a FIRST AMENDMENT right to kneel and protest and do whatever.
~ trav777


Amazing journalism. Just because people ‘thought differently’ and held different values reflective of the time 100 years ago, is no excuse not to have anticipated the enlightened culture of Current Year. There is simply no excuse for Dr Seus drawing that racist caricature of a Chinese cisgendered male. I’m going to look through some old family books right now to see what I can find to be grotesquely offended by.
~ Pbier


A lot of books need to be burned. Off the top of my head, Atlas Shrugged, Brave New World, Animal Farm, all of Rudyard Kipling’s books, all of Enid Blyton’s books. We have a lot of burning to do. And while we’re at it, we should burn white history books and replace them with Afrocentrism. Racist history needs to be historically revised.
~ Million Dollar Bonus


No, no, no. you’ve got it all wrong. Our job as progressives is to tell other people what they have to do (consider the environment) but we get to do what we want, which is often quite different. Think of Bono, for example, who has done a wonderful job telling politicians to abolish poverty NOW! He is aghast at how evil corporations sneakily avoid paying taxes in the countries where they do business, screaming blue murder at the likes of Exxon Mobile. His admirable stance means we should not criticise Bono when he himself uses offshore tax avoidance schèmes, because that is all perfectly legal. Same goes for Sting and CO2 emissions, which he flies around the world in his private jet to warn us about. So, we MUST burn hateful books now. Burn! Burn! Burn! It is much more dramatic than composting them in any case.
~ Pbier


Wow! First we had a rogue Google employee suggesting that there might be differences between men and womyn, and now we have them culturally appropriating oppressed Asians! Google seriously needs to get its act together and make it clear that it will NOT tolerate sexism or racism! Google needs to fire all of its white male engineers and hire only female, trans and engineers of color instead!
~ Million Dollar Bonus


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