Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

The '750 Word' Site

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The 750 Word website is an exciting idea. I used it during the free trial period. The last few days, I kept typing about the reasons I may want to keep using the site. I used it to focus my thinking on the matter. It was rather fun. I tried to use it almost every day.

I noticed that it kept track of several points of information. Still, I didn’t think I could add something else to pay for each month, even though it was like buying a cup of coffee. Yet I don’t visit coffee shops on a regular basis so I tend to eschew and fancy coffee as much as I can. I determined the $5 charge would add up to a questionable degree, when $5 becomes $10 and so on. And if I weren’t using the system most days I would feel like I was wasting money and like the coffee, I thought of a better way.

There was all these great reviews on the site, and I thought if these people had any thoughts on the money they were spending, especially if they were going to use it for months, if not years. The concept of this site is that it supposed to be a form of meditation, releasing your energies and emptying your mind. This site is called 750 Words because that is the number of words that a writer is supposed to reach. Nothing is stopping you from writing more, but the suggestion is that you reach the goal of 750.

Now the honesty of the creators of this site is overwhelming. They freely admit that this “writing meditation” is not their idea at all and there is nothing magically about 750 Words. They stated clearly if someone else were using their site's name they would have just picked another number to be the goal.

Then I thought about the operations of the site. I mention that it had some features, but nothing that you would miss if you attempted to do the same thing elsewhere. One point of reference is how the site marked down how many days you wrote an entry. Besides that, it adds up all the words that you typed and averaged them together. I was excited about the site because the makers made it easy to agree with and then there were the other user's comments praising the site to high heavens. I reviewed what they had to say, finding fault with their mentions.

I was critical how useful it was to save every single word that you wrote. Then the site mentioned that writing in a blog was not logical for some reason. A blog would do everything that 750 Word site did except having a word counter and the function of averaging your words together. I had a blog that I wasn’t using that I could use instead. Only the site’s word counter had an annoying problem. When I typed the word counter would disappear down the screen, and I couldn’t tell how many words I typed.

Also, a disappointing component was a lack of a congratulatory message showing you if made the goal of 750. The screen didn’t flash, and there wasn’t a single sound. There was absolutely no way to know.

Try using the “word meditation.” You can do it for free. It drains a person’s inner struggles down because when you write about 3 pages of text, you'll remove all the blocks of troubles that have been pressing down on your shoulders. However, when you don’t have the time there is always 2 pages or 1 pages. The 750 Word site just made the number up after all.

Bypassing the 750 Word Site I would write my mediations down on Microsoft Word (or another word processor), which has a word counter, you can see the whole time. To save what you write I use my blog. If you don’t want to use a blog you can save the entries to the hard drive, breaking a directory by year and then by month.

Still there is always the option to go to the 750 Word Site and using it for a trial period.

Morning Pages 750 Words