Home Space Zero
I'm bipolar and I can never know what others know. What that entire classification of bipolar mean to most people is a mystery to me.
I can't say if it really means anything at all. I only know that Hollywood seems to get us bipolar people very wrong at times and they don't really seem to care about that, but on my more sane days I have to wonder if others, in fact, know they are continually bordering on insanity while others have clearly crossed that line with or without any mental classification.
Often the talk comes to what's a "safe space" these days; only the idea of space is very important concept. One idea of space, when it's a piece of one's mind rests when it can be at peace. It's impossible to have tranquility when someone or something is stepping on your toes. Dealing with people I try to get them to understand that you need to let go of things and you need to have some order in your lives or there is no way you can't get lost among total chaos.