Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Lost History

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In a time far in the future, where history's lost its hue,
The students of the world, their knowledge scant, askew.
The movies and the shows, they watch with glee,
Portray the famous white, as black, Mexican, or Chinese.

No more Shakespeare's plays, or Dickens' tales to read,
The classics all forgotten, in the dust they lay, indeed.
For history's been rewritten, to fit the modern mold,
Where diversity reigns supreme, and truth is left untold.

The students they are taught, a skewed and twisted view,
Of a world that never was, and truths that never grew.
For in this time and place, the past is but a blur,
A tapestry of lies, that they all must concur.

And so the students learn, of heroes black and brown,
Of leaders Mexican, and Chinese kings and queens,
They learn of a world, where diversity was king,
And the truth of history, is but a fleeting thing.

But in the shadows, there are those who know,
The truth of history, and the lies they sow.
For in the heart of every student, a seed of doubt does grow,
And one day they will rise, and the truth they'll overthrow.