Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Feminism Quotes


Feminism Chaper (PDF)



Eleventh Commandment: Never criticize a woman, especially if she believes in feminism.

Feminism in a nutshell: women are equal to men, but because they're NOT equal to men, they need special treatment.

Feminism is mixed up with the muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.
~ G.K. Chesterson

Feminism is actually societal decay which attacks the foundation of family and men as repackaged social justice, in order to fool women into submissively destroying western culture.
~ PinkAboutIt @Pink_About_it

Except women and feminists are not one of the same, love. While feminists can be women, there are women who are not feminists.
~ TylerPreston20 @TylerPreston20

Instead of defending women, our culture seems to want to turn women into men. We've not just rejected masculinity, but femininity as well. The truth is both of these are beautiful and complimentary things that should be celebrated.
~ Lauren Southern

The thing about feminists who take things too far is that they have no introspection. This goes for all fanatics.
~ Paul Ruggeri

Hypersexualization occurs when a character is designed to be valued primarily for their sexual characteristics or behaviors. In hypersexualized characters, these attributes are highlighted above all else, while everything else about the characters is made secondary.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Next we're gonna get rid of "man" out of "woman". We'll just call them Wo.
~ Josh Bosheff

To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use woman. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.
~ Valerie Solanas

This entire movement started with Harvey Weinstein. Let's not forget that simple fact. I believe deeply in due process, but I also believe a hundred women are a compelling voice for truth. That said I would respectfully counsel artists not to take business meetings in a hot tub.
~ James Woods

The problem with feminists isn’t that they’re hateful and outrageous, it’s that they’re hateful and outrageous while claiming to be just, moral, caring, and egalitarian.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos, Dangerous

Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves.
~ John Berger, Ways of Seeing

A serious girl, when she finds someone who calms her spirit and quiets her busy thoughts, will love you so fiercely, it will defy even her own logic and reasoning.

I'm a feminist which means I strive to piss people off equally, regardless of gender.
~ Laci Green @gogreen18

I'm no feminist activist, but I'd be happy to share my views on running around topless to end rape.
~ Lauren Southern

The rise of women, however long overdue, does not require the fall of men
~ Christina H. Sommers

No. You don't get to be hierarchical with abuse. And you don't get to tell women that because some guy only showed them their penis their pain isn't as great as a woman who was raped.
~ Minnie Driver @driverminnie

I have a responsibility to the company that I work with. I don't feel that I have a responsibility to cater in some way, to those particular fans. I would never just seize on saying, 'Well, this is a franchise that's appealed primarily to men for many, many years, and therefore I owe men something.
~ Kathleen Kennedy

[Responding to an article about a girl pushing to be a Boy Scout.]
Soon females will start petitions that them not being able to play for a male sports team is discriminatory, that’s where we’re headed next.
~ SuperMan^^ @HydroSatiQ

That's why it’s such a perfect visual for this - because you see these women are completely hidden...That is how they would have us, if they could, really and truly.
~ Emily Morgan, coordinator of the 2017 TV Show "Handmaid's Tale", a plot were disadvantaged young women are forced to give birth so wealthy couples can have children.

"Male Feminists" are just about the silliest creatures.  A guy lecturing a woman about her life choices is somehow empowering females?
~ Roaming Millennial @RoamingMil

Dear Men, Please remove the phrase "as a husband and/or a father of daughters" from your vocabulary. Women exist outside your bubble.
~ Abigail Shirley @abzdafab

I was reading a review of [a] Netflix movie on anorexia and this woman actually thinks anorexia is due to a lack of feminism.
~ Ashley Rae @Communism_Kills

Usually talking so fancy no one knows what you're talking about is something men do, but I've done it too.
~ Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist

Feminists have been in denial about obvious biological sexual preferences that this story actually makes the news like they're surprised.
~ Dave Cullen @DaveCullenCF
(It's Official, Men Still Prefer Women to be Young and Thin)

That's just terrible. So a loving family has to die in a blazing fire all because f***ing feminists bitch about equality in the workplace.... THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN JUST DO ON YOUR OWN WOMEN!! Men are physically stronger and more likely to break down that door. It makes me sick because feminazis would rather have higher death rates regarding fire all for their sick agenda. They can go f*** off because I don't think firefighter is up their alley.
~ Daggah Zorrora

For my new series I have to keep a close eye on Cosmopolitan so I turned on notifications for their Twitter. This was a mistake: (Cosmopolitan Tweeted: Why Guys Get Turned on When You Orgasm -- and Why That's a Bad Thing...)
~ June @shoeOnhead

Women birth half the population and we are half the population!
~ Nelini Stamp

Opposition to legal abortion takes magical thinking and a lack of logic.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.
~ Robin Morgan

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.
~ Andrea Dworkin

If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.
~ Mary Daly

The belief that women are weak is a deeply ingrained myth, but any remark or no matter how slight can have them screaming for their safe spaces.
~ Greg Gutfeld, How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively correct

The human mind comes from praying to Mother Earth whilst chanting "Feminist Physics" will save us. Surely, nothing to do with evolution.
~ Gad Saad @GadSaad

Feminist websites like to blame "trolls" when they inevitably fail. But trolls are the only reason they have any traffic at all.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who lie under Islamic law.
~ Caroline Glick

Women living in countries with more traditional gender roles are MORE likely to major in mathematics and statistics, not less.
~ Claire Lehmann @clairlemon

Her own friend said she lied about the sexual assault, but he was still expelled. Now he's settled with the school.
~ Ashe Schow @AsheSchow

I've never said sex isn't a spectrum, I've explained how it is for years. Female and Male are the poles of that spectrum. It isn't complicated.
~ Laci Green @gogreen18

Feminism is dead. The movement is absolutely dead. The women's movement tried to suppress dissident voices for way too long. There’s no room for dissent. Feminist ideology is like a new religion for a lot of neurotic women. You can't talk to them about anything.
~ Camille Paglia

It aint't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that jut ain't so.
~ Mark Twain

Dear dudes: Please don't surreptitiously take photos of women without their knowledge or consent. It's beyond creepy. Even fictional ones. That's rape.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

You be mistaken to think that a popular Pop Culture Critic like Anita Sarkeesian would be honest enough with herself to know that taking a picture of a random woman in public isn’t the same as capturing the image of a digital one in a Video Game.
~ Paul Ruggeri

Yeah, aside from all my focus on egalitarianism and what not, I’d fit in very nicely with the sexists.
~ Roaming Millennial @RoamingMil

Want to close wage gap? Step one: Change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering.
~ Christina Sommers @CHSommers

It takes a heap of sense to write good nonsense.
~ Mark Twain

Mansplain softly in my ear.
~ Mar-A-Lago MacLennan @MargaretsBelly

The Biggest Lie Feminism Tells Women “You can have and deserve it all” – Time, energy and personal ability are limited or finite things. A person can’t be in two places at one time, you have to choose between the high powered business meeting and the school recital. Something always has to give, make your choices and live with the effects. Don’t blame others.

How to be a feminist: 1) tell lies 2) get called out 3) call your critics abusers and harassers 4) bully media into agreeing 5) repeat.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

Paradoxically and somewhat ironically, those who most strongly believe that media is just harmless entertainment are also the ones most likely to uncritically internalize harmful media messages.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Ironically and paradoxically, like Anita Sarkeesian; who despises gamers with a passion, the more Hillary Clinton loathes Donald Trump supporters the more she hates herself.
~ Paul Ruggeri

Feminism is officially a cult. They advocate for cutting out suppressive persons from your life instead of engaging with them.
~ Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray

Anita Sarkesian has said that, because Princess Peach is always getting kidnapped in Super Mario franchise the game are subtly promoting the idea that women are weak and helpless, always needing men to rescue them. This woman wonders why she isn’t taken seriously. Maybe it’s because she’s playing a 2D side-scrolling platformer for the f***ing story.

We will not let our liberty perish at the hands of the professionally offended.
~ Lauren Southern

Feminists are bravely fighting for women’s rights by reporting Lauren Southern’s old Facebook posts to get her banned. Amazing.
~ Paul Joseph Watson

One repercussion of constantly relying on feminizing signifiers for character design is that it tends to reinforce a strict binary form of gender expression.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

The goal is to liberate people of all genders from the dehumanization of being reduced to sex objects, not to reduce everyone to that level.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I think [Anita Sarkeesian] has actually done more good than harm, since she’s so ridiculous she helped trigger the backlash against social justice warriors.
~ Steven Falco@nunzioni

There’s no “gender gap”—but there should be.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

Femeinists: You have to find me beautiful or else your’re sexist!
Also Feminists: Too many compliments! Stop being sexist!
~ Roaming Millennial @RoamingMil

I too was once a male trapped in a female body, but then my mother gave birth.

Modern feminism; rail against Western imperialism and argue that Islam doesn't need reformation.
~ Rita Panahi @RitaPanahi

In fact, all Wednesday’s meaningless demonstration (a day without a woman) does is hand the Republican Party a wide-open opportunity to dismiss it as a hysterical hissy fit, staged by left-wing activists still mourning Hillary Clinton’s loss.
~ Amanda Carpenter, Politico Magazine

If you see a woman at work today doing her job ask her why she has so much internalized misogyny and hate herself #adaywithoutwomen
~ June @shoeOnhead

There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.
~ F.A. Hayek

I'm here to say we will close the wage gap.
~ Barack Obama

It's illegal to pay women less for the same work. This day is a day whining about the choices women make in their lives.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

Who says men don’t have to prove their worth and fortitude? Of course they do. Everyone in the public eye is scrutinized, regardless of gender.
~ Roaming Millennial @RoamingMil

"I'm here to say we'll force womwn to work as much/same jobs as men" #equalPayDay No, I respect women's decisions.
~ Vernaculis @Vernculis

Do you know what the word "earn" means, Mrs. Clinton? I honestly don't think that you do.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

There's a difference between a rape claim where evidence is lacking and a claim where the accuser said "mmm yeah I luv that D" the day after.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

I'm voting for Trump because Melania will be the best-looking First Lady ever!
~ Howard Stern

No one should be fired, or be afraid of being fired for stating that men and women on average have difference preferences and abilities.
~ Claire Lehmann @clairlemon

It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.
~ Thomas Sowell @ThomasSowell

The truth is unmovable calm while emotion is a ride, a push, always in motion.
~ Paul Ruggeri

I demand equality between men and women, except when I get special treatment for being a woman!

I appreciate the sentiment that I am a popular woman in computer gaming circles; but I prefer being thought of as a computer game designer rather than a woman computer game designer. I don’t put myself into gender mode when designing when designing a game.
~ Roberta Williams

No girl believes she’s beautiful, until a guy comes along and makes her feel like she is.

We did, I believe won the argument: the journalists agreed with us and the court of public opinion was on our side. THEY won all the assistant professorships, they just quietly worked. They didn’t care about criticism because all criticism is by definition backlash.
~ Christina Hoff Sommers

While Saudi women have no emancipation age; they have to produce a guardian permission for all life decisions till death.
~ Nikki @nikkiginter

I just don't think that you can experience harassment for years on end and not have it shift who you are.
~ Jessica Valenti

Lena Dunham you're honestly the worst kind of feminist and no one should want an abortion that isn't just like a fun little choice.
~ Nora Baron @bambibaron

I just don’t think that college students can experience idiocy for years on end and not have it shift who we are.
~ Paul Ruggeri

Illegally firing men to fill diversity quotas. Lovely.
~ June @ShoeOnhead

The kind of mate I'm contemplating
I'll let you watch, I would invite you
But the kind of queens, they just won't excite you
So you better go back to your bars, your temples
Your massage parlors 'cause we're not having it
~ "One Night in Bangkok", Chess

Let us be lovers / we’ll marry our fortunes together.
I've got some real estate/ Here in my bag.
~ "America", Simon & Garfunkel

And life is a road that I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
~ "At the Beginning", Anastasia

Everything I've done / I've done for you /
I move the stars for no one /You've run so long
You’ve run so far/ Your eyes can be so cruel
Just as I can be so cruel/ Oh, I do believe in you / Yes I do.
~ "Within You", David Bowie

No one in your life is with you constantly
No one is completely on your side
And though I move my world to be with him
Still the gap between us is too wide
Looking back, I could have played it differently
Learned about the man before I fell
But I was ever so much younger then
~ "I know Him So Well", Chess

Austrian coffee shop charges male customers 25 cents more per cup because "women only earn 75 percent of what men earn"
~ Georg @PAXperMortem

Since Third World countries give girls more chores than boys, Americans should punish their own sons cuz ... gender justice
~ Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin

Girl told me she wouldn't go home with me on first date because of "morals" so I said stop "slut shaming yourself" and she did.
~Neel Kolhatkar @neelKolhatkar

I go feminine, I go masculine. I am both, actually. I think the male side is a bit stronger in me, and I have to tone it down sometimes. I'm not like a normal woman, that's for sure.
~ Grace Jones

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
~ John Lennon

I feel like the feminine has been a little undervalued, we all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking — it’s a valuable thing my mom created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armor. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work.
~ Kirsten Dunst

The idea of being strong for someone else having never entered their heads, I find myself in the position of having to console them. Since I'm the person going in to be slaughtered, this is somewhat annoying.
~ Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand to do violence on their behalf.
~ George Orwell

Liberalism is romantic. Women love a man who fights for her rights, even if the fight suggests she can’t fight for herself. And men dig the war on patriarchy, while leeching off his parents on tuition. It’s a luxury: you can hold destructive opinions without actually experiencing any of their consequences. Nothing makes speaking truth to power easier than a nice trust fund.
~ Greg Gutfeld, How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively correct

Anita Sarkeesian is basically the heroine of feminism right now because she did one thing they have so far not really been able to do and that is she located patriarchy and the only way for feminists to do that is rearrange facts.
~ Diana Davison @d2davison

My analysis is very well researched. It's double and triple checked!
~ Anita Sarkeesian

The entire work of Anita Sarkeesian consists of saying video games are making you sexist. From her video: 'Ironically, those who strongly believe that video games are harmless entertainment are also the ones most likely to internalize harmful media messages. The more you think you cannot be affected, the more likely you are to be affected.'...This is as toxic and idiotic as conservative[s] saying video games violence makes you violent in real life.
~ Tim Soret

It’s good Blizzard is responding to demands for diversity. Maybe try designing some characters that make straight dudes super uncomfortable.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

You know Blizzard, maybe don’t make your first openly lesbian character in Overwatch be one that’s specifically designed for the male gaze.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

I've actually read many studies that state the opposite, that gender segregated classrooms improve learning (same with race).
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Not a coincidence it's always men and boys committing mass shootings. The pattern is connected to ideas of toxic masculinity in our culture.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

It’s so cute when men's rights activist and atheist dudes who clearly don’t play video games try to talk about video games.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I'm going to show you a remix that I just finished this weekend and no one else has seen, one person has seen it, it's a soundtrack of one song except I'm doing video games so it's not exactly a fan, I'm not a fan of video games; I actually had to learn a lot about video games in the process of making this.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I am here to save you, supporter of [Anita Sarkeesian]. Please do not support this campaign [$200,000 for additional YouTube video series], it is a total lie. I understand that you want women’s rights, and support women’s equality, and I do as well, but she is a thief, who has stolen the money of thousands of people before. In her previous video series she promised to make twelve videos and the cost of the entire project was going to be $6,000. She was given $160,000, which is more than 25 times the asking amount. You would think that with this extra money she would be able to make better quality videos or maybe more videos in the series. She failed to do either and only made 3 of the 12 videos she originally promised to make. These videos apparently cost $25,000 each and the other $75,000 will be going to her personally. The question we should be asking is “does it really cost $25,000 to make a YouTube video?” The only way this would be possible is if she isn’t editing or producing the video herself. Most video series makers, who don’t produce the video themselves will pay an hourly fee to a producing company, and will be charged usually around $800 in total. If she is stupid enough to pay per minute finished fee, she would be paying $1,000 a minute finished, per video. This means that her last video would have cost her $3,000 to make, which is unreasonable and a poor economic decision. Most of the things in her video can be found on YouTube, like her video on “Strategic Butt Coverings”. That video was not hard to produce at all; it was her sitting behind a blue background, commenting on video game clips. I want you and others to understand that she is pocketing your money, and we need to stick together and fight for real women’s rights, not allowing women like her to exploit this community.
~ Dag-Erling Smorgrav @RealEvides

For the purposes of this video I tried to get a glimpse of Batman's rear end, but it's as if his cape is a high-tech piece of Wayne Industries equipment designed to cover up his butt at all costs.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Everything is sexist, everything racist and everything homophobic and you have to point it all out.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Objectifying women has always been a crime.
~ Cathy Areu, 2017

When people listen to gibberish, believe lies, try to understand as little as possible, wear comically big loopy earrings while cursing female signifiers ; cry foul if anyone else should notice and think women are literally balls being kicked around endlessly we’ve got a feminism problem.
~ Paul Ruggeri

When the only form of emotional expression available to male characters is looking pensive once in a while we’ve got a masculinity problem.
~Jonathan Mcintosh

Isn't it odd that Arkham Knight is a game about fear and yet we don't see Batman actually express that emotion or any other for that matter.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

People love to pretend “fantasy” and “reality” are separate, distinct, unrelated. Nothing could be further from the truth. They’re entwined.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

Still can't believe they're really advertising the new game by encouraging men to imitate Batman in their real lives.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

We just saw a packed auditorium full of adults cheering at seeing bodies cut in half with a chainsaw. Really think about that for a moment.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

Minds of porridge will just “Listen & Believe” someone like Anita Sarkeesian and question not, for a mind that does question is sexist.
~ Paul Ruggeri

There's really no such thing as "escapism" in mass media. You can't "escape" culturally reinforced values and messages embedded in narratives.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

Feminist media analysis is rarely as simple as "No, this is not sexist" or "Yes, this is sexist". Within both media and society itself, unexamined sexist beliefs and actions are pervasive, sometimes in very obvious ways, but also in more subtle and often unexamined ones. For example, we don't bat an eye if the main cast of an action film is composed entirely of men, but if the cast is all female it is often seen as bizarre or noteworthy. These attitudes are very much like air pollution.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

The idea that men are more violent and aggressive because of biology is 100% bulls***. Manhood is socially constructed.
~ Jonanthan Mcintosh

When Disney, Princess Peach & even Ms. Pacman is said to oppress women and girls maybe we really are being oppressed; not by video games and movies, but by pop culture critiques who believe they are social engineers.
~ Paul Ruggeri

Feminism: the radical notion that you can call patrons, fan and prospective voters sexist as some kind of marketing ploy

Choice feminism posits that each individual woman determines what empowering for herself, which might sound good on the surface, but this concept risks obscuring the bigger picture and larger fundamental goals of the movement by focusing on individual women with a very narrow individual notion of empowerment. It erases the reality that some choices women make have an enormous negative impact on other women's lives. So it's not enough to feel personally empowered or personally successful within the oppressive framework of the current system. Even if an individual woman can make patriarchy work for her, it's still a losing game for the rest of the women on the planet. The fact of the matter is that some choices have ramifications beyond ourselves and reinforce harmful patriarchal ideas about women as a group and about women's bodies in our wider shared culture.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

(The reason we can't have sexy video game characters):
It links our vales as human beings within our culture to our desirability to men and it reinforces our culturally-influenced ideas about who gets to be considered desirable and who doesn’t.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Someone better make the Bible, Quran, Hadith, Book of Mormon, etc. into videogames just so Anita Sarkeesian can get a clue.
~ Uberfeminist @uberfeminist

If you don't know you are suffering from internal misogyny and patriarchy it's more likely you are suffering from internal misogyny and patriarchy.
~ Dave Cullen @DaveCullenCF

Good point. Why would companies hire men if women are just as productive and cost less? P.S. the wage gap is false.
~ Julie Borowski @JulieBorowski

The nuclear family must be destroyed... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.
~ Linda Gordon

When I was setting my things out, [an airport employee] said, ‘Hey nice dress!’ I didn’t hear him say anything about the attire of any of the other folks in the entire line and I am in one of the most traveled airports in the world.
~ Ashley Judd

Women are the only "oppressed" group that is able to buy most of the $10 billion worth of cosmetics each year; the only oppressed group that spends more on high fashion, brand-name clothing than its oppressors, the only oppressed group that watches more TV.
~ Warren Farrell

To say that the fetus is a person if the mother wants it and it's not if she doesn’t is not science -it's spin.
~ William McGum

I honestly cannot imagine how much a fool you would have to be to give [Anita Sarkeesian] another dime.
~ Lauren Southern

I don’t think that's anything new - I think that these are deeply ingrained these attitudes towards all of this and one of the biggest tricks that feminism has ever pulled with the biggest cons is that they claim to be against those attitudes and those norms I guess, if you will, but they are masters of  exploiting them, so essentially - I mean what is domestic violence legislation that specifically protects women against their male partners - what does that say about men and women, says that men are strong and when women are weak that men are dangerous women need protection, these are not new, attitudes extremely old attitudes and so they've  essentially taken every little thing that sort of maybe part of our biological wetware and then it gets reinforced by society and culturation of those things they've taken all of those things that our age-old that existed forever and they've completely exploited them to their own ends and all the while claiming that they're dismantling all of those norms - it's absolutely ridiculous.
~ Karen Straughan

Today’s Americans know the media are generally liberal, if not outright leftist. (To put media bias in perspective, during the 2008 election year, 1,160 employees at the three major networks ABC,NBC, AND CBS – contributed more than $1 million dollars to Democratic candidates. By contrast, only 193 employees contributed a total of $142,863 to Republican candidates.) But when we think of media, we often think only of television and radio. Another arm of liberal bias is publishing, which includes books like Secrets of Powerful Women, as well as dozens of women’s magazines. They are a significant part of the liberal establishment. Myrna Blyth, former Ladies’ Home Journal editor, exposed her former colleagues in Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America. She wrote: “Women’s magazines, a nearly $7 Billion – a year business, are based on telling women their lives are too tough for them to handle and they should feel very sorry for themselves. This distorted vision of life is absolutely crazy. By now, most people understand there’s a culture war in America between folks on the right who want to preserve our county’s traditions and folks on the left who want to change America, but feminist bias is not recognized as an essential part of media bias. Yet a significant portion of the left in America is female, and they have convinced Americans that women are victims of an unjust, patriarchy society and must look to the government to redress their grievances.
~ Suzanne Venker, The Flipside of Feminism

Feminism has undergone different waves in our society, and I feel it's less about equality between the sexes today and more about liberating people from any type of decimation caused by patriarchy.
~ Amandla Stenberg

Equality doesn't mean women will all make the same choice. It means women will be treated the same no matter what choices they make.
~ Madison Kimrey

The man or the woman in whom resides greater virtue is the higher, neither loftiness nor the lowliness of a person lies in the body according to the sex, but in the perfection of conduct and virtues.
~ Christine de Pizan

The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women.
~ Taylor Caldwell

Katniss Everdeen is truly a hero for young women. Young women are growing up in a culture that tells them they should always put their own needs and desires first. That it is moral triumph to live only for yourself.  Your needs, your desires, your goals, your ambitions, your own personal fulfillment should trump everything and everyone else. Even your husband. Even your children. I hope young women who read the Hunger Games get the message and respond to the wider culture with a great big F*** YOU. Chose Primrose. Choose Rue. Choose love. Choose their lives over yours. You just might find it the most fulling thing of all.
~ Janet Bloomfield, feminisn’t

It's interesting to look at three people who are equal parts of a project and see how differently we are valued. We used get a lot of, 'Martin how do you write the songs? Lauren, what kind of tour diet do you go on?' In reviews, people talk about how I look, about my girlish voice and my pixie-esque demeanor, but they don't talk about how the guys look.
~ Lauren Mayberry

Once you accept the premise that the feminine is priori superior to the masculine, the plan of attack becomes quite obvious: men must become feminine or be forever defined as inferior and unworthy. It’s a tongue in cheek aphorism that feminists hate men, but of course, that’s not true. They love men. As long as men act like women.
~ Janet Bloomfield, feminisn’t

Feminism in a nutshell: Supporting women at the expense of everything else.
~ Vic Hedrust @Victor_Hedrust

There are as many violent women as men, but there's a lot of money in hating men, particularly in the United States--millions of dollars. It isn't a politically good idea to threaten the huge budgets for women's refuges by saying that some of the women who go into them aren't total victims.
~ Erin Pizzey

Feminists: a group of insecure women who blame men for their failings instead of taking responsibility for them.
~ Ceara McCord @CearaRobin

Mothers who breastfeed boy babies need to stop. We need to empower more females in this world and by breastfeeding them we're giving them a good start in life which they deserve over a baby boy which are already physically stronger than baby girls. I have feminist views and I am not ashamed to admit that. No boy baby will ever be fed from my breasts if I am unfortunate enough to have a son. Formula for him and circumcision to take away sexual pleasure from him when he grows up.
~ Hailey Martin

I think it’s the fault line in feminism showing up again. Feminism is supposed to be about social, political and economic equality between men and women, but it’s not. It’s a philosophy and ideology that women should never make anyone else’s need matter more than their own, but men should continue to exist in service to others.
~ Janet Bloomfield, feminisn’t

Under the guise of escapism and pleasure, we are getting images of imagined power that mask, and even erase, how much still remains to be done for girls and women, images that make sexism seem fine, even fun, and insist that feminism is now utterly pointless--even bad for you.
~ Susan J. Douglas, Enlightened Sexism

Feminism actively dismantled the role of men in society then tried to blame "toxic masculinity" ~ Chris Alexander @CJRAlexander

I wonder if Anita Sarkeesian carries her victim complex around in a purse/backpack, or if she needs a specially designed, load bearing cart to take it with her wherever she goes?
~ John Indermuehle

If we use proof in rape cases, we fall into the patterns of rape deniers.
~ Emma Sulkowicz, 2015

I'm proudly sexist against men. They are vastly inferior to women. This makes me a femazi? Perfect. Feminism is too tolerant of men.
~ Onision @onision

Camille Paglia has publicly called my artwork a “masochistic exercise” in which I neither “evolve” nor “move-on.” She speaks as if she, a white woman, knew what was best for me, a woman of color she’s never met. Many people ask me how I've “healed” from my assault, as if healing were another word for “forgetting about it,” “getting over it,” or even “shutting up about it.” To expect me to move on is to equate courage with self-censorship. The phrases--suck it up, move on, and get over it--are violence. People who say these phrases equate what is right with what is expected. I think courage means, Afraid in a way that makes you do what is right, even if it's unexpected. I dedicate this award to everyone who has not told me to get over it. Thank you for validating my fear and my way of handling it. Thank you for creating a world in which we can tackle the things that terrify us by doing the unexpected right thing. Thank you.
~ Emma Sulkowicz

The day that women can casually be topless and not be raped or degraded will be the day that women will be equal in society.
~ Willy @officialwillow

Flippantly using misogynist imagery to show how bad an evil character is trivializes the experiences of actual victims of gendered violence.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I want to start by asking a question if feminism is a movement about equality why don't we see equal representation of gender issues and why don't we see women complain about the benefits they have over men in certain situations.
~ Lauren Southern @Lauren_Southern

Female characters can't have an ark as they cannot overcome adversity since they cannot be shown facing adversity?
~ Paul Blank @TheLocalGod

The sex class men is simply male privilege and gender identity and it needs to be abolished if women are ever to be free.
~ Lierre Keith

I always thought of myself in the future. This was just my temporary body, and my real self would have a thin body. Becuase that's what real people have. But when you don't think of yourself as a real thing, when you live in the future, you can't advocate for yourself in the present. You can't demand respect and rights and humanity, because you don't really exist.
~ Lindy West

If you say you "support trans people" but wouldn't date a trans person, you have internalized transphobia you need to dismantle.
~ Damien @damienxpat

Feminists get upset when you say that you won't rape them. I think I've transcended beyond laughter at this point.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

Domestic violence used by women against men is a phenomenon that has received little attention within the media, academia and the political elite. Despite this lack of attention, for nearly four decades the best research indicates that men are also frequently the targets of domestic violence. And yet, the media and our political/judicial elite often frame domestic violence merely as "violence against women", thus generating the false and misleading assumption that males are
always the aggressors and are more capable of harming their female partners.
~ Dr. Augusto Zimmermann

All disrespect for women does not end up with violence against women, but let’s be clear, all violence against women begins with disrespecting women.
~ Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

There's a sense of inglorious irony in people clinging to the word 'feminism' want to dictate everyone's taste in genitals.
~ Lorkhan @thedoomdrum

If women are not oppressed, feminism has no case.
~ Sargon of Akkad

I hate when I see men talking about "sun dress season". It's more like predatory gaze and cat-calling season.
~ BitterMinority @halfAtlanta

FEMINISM: Men like beautiful women, and therefore beauty is bad because men are wrong.
~ FreeStacy @Not_RSMcCain

No committed left-winger sings the praises of conservative women such as Dr. Laura Sclessinger, Michelle Malkin, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, or even Margaret Thatcher—despite the fact that they have, or have had, it all. That’s why the so-called women’s movement (a misleading term, for it suggests all women are on the same page) is bogus. The feminist movement was never about supporting all women, just liberal women. It was not designed to level the playing field; it was designed rearrange society to make life more suitable to feminists. It was designed “to change the language, the tempo, the character of the world. Here’s a twist: What if you’re a woman who isn’t “soft and submissive”—but thinks America is pretty great? What if you’re a strong, independent woman, as feminists claim women should be, but don’t believe women are victims? My mother was a trailblazer. She received a master’s degree from Radcliffe College in 1952. And trust me: no one could accuse my mother of being “soft”,”submissive,” or “taking a back seat.” On the contrary, she was brave enough to enter the male-dominated world of stock traders—at Merril Lynch, in the 1950s. When faced blatant sexism, she didn’t whine about it or give up; she went to work at G. H. Walker (another investment bank), where the men were happy to have her. “People who succeed do not expect every company to reward fairly; they screen for companies that will recognize their contribution,” wrote Warren Farrell, Ph.D. in The Myth of Male Power. Indeed, smart women forge ahead in the face of adversity—they don’t stop to complain about being mistreated. As my mother always told me, “There will always be people who want to drag you down. Don’t let them.”
~ Suzanne Venker, The Flipside of Feminism

Unable to find genuine rape horror stories, student activists are publishing horrifying fiction instead.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

If you're not a feminist, you're a bigot.
~ Gloria Allred

"Women shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies!" or "Drawing sexy female characters is disgusting!" Pick one.
~ Mar-A-Lago MacLennan @MargaretsBelly

I'm not here to tell you how to be a feminist, or whether you should be one at all. I call myself a feminist to f*** with people, and because it's a great way to weed out the creeps in bars, but feminism isn't an identity. Feminism is a process. Call yourself what you like. The important thing is what you fight for. Begin in now.
~ Laurie Penny

All these girls that are "insulted" over Julion Alvarez saying he prefers a woman who will mop and clean are probably just lazy.
~ Cecy @CecyTheGr8

I'm really interested in a conversation about what spaces we can define for ourselves as women... On most sets that I'm on, 80% of the people are men. I would just love to see what it looks like if 80% of the people on set were women. I don't even know what we would create differently or what would happen but I'd love to find out.
~ Tatiana Maslany

I condemn whole-heartedly the trivial bulls*** it is to go after a man who makes a scientific breakthrough and all that we as women -- organized women -- do is to fret about his shirt?
~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali

If the definition of rape is a social construct, can society expand the definition of rape to create more victims? Can activism backfire?
~ Toni Airaksinen @Toni_Airaksinen

The only thing that queer/gender/ethnic studies scholars have ever managed to proven empirically is that Poe's Law is indeed valid.
~ Yeyo @yeyoZa

Feminism has never just been about liberating women from men, but about freeing human being from the straitjacket of gender oppression.
~ Laurie Penny

We still have not decided, as a species, that women are sentient - and as more and more fembots appear on our screens and in our stories, we should consider how our technology reflects our expectations of gender. Who are the users, and who gets used? Unless we can recalibrate our tendency to exploit each other, the question may be whether the human race can survive the machine age - but whether it deserves to.
~ Laurie Penny

Every day I wake up and wonder, "What incredibly stupid thing has Lena Dunham said now?" And Lena doesn't disappoint.
~ Cathy Young @CathyYoung63

Only by remembering to say 'no' will the women of the 21st century regain their voice and remember their power. 'No' is the most important word in a woman's dialectic arsenal, and it is th one word that our employers, our leader, an quit often, the men in our lives would do anything to prevent us from saying. No, we will not serve. No, we will not settle for the dirty work, the low-paid work, the unpaid work. No, we will not stay late at the office, look after the kids, sort out the shopping. We refuse to fit the enormity of our passion, our creativity, and our potential into the rigid physical prison laid down for us since we were small children. No. We refuse. We will not buy your clothes and good. Most of all, we refuse to be beautiful and good.
~ Laurie Penny

Most of us have been socialized to accept men's sports as dominant, and somehow automatically more interesting. The problem is that once society has internalized this falsehood - and let's face it, it's a falsehood that's millennia in the making it's not so easy to correct.
~ Shane Ferro

Sports fans, for the most part, will watch what you put in front of them.
~ Kavitha A. Davidson

Blame it on the women dear. They outnumber men, if they were watching woman sports to the degree that men watch male sports, every single network would be falling over themselves to market these games. But here's the rub: women (as a whole) really don't want to watch sports, they have other interests.
~ Takuan Soho

Not one single woman on the national soccer team would make the men's team. As good as Serina Williams is, she'd get skunked by the 125th best man in the world. America cares about the biggest/fastest/strongest and it is just indisputable, biological fact that women are not equal to men in physical strength. Women's sports are unpopular for the same reason that college baseball, D-League basketball, arena league football, etc. are not popular ... because they don't feature the best athletes.
~ John Riggins

Reality outside those echo chambers is a harsh environment, which they're dangerously unprepared for.
~ Menethas the Stoic @Menethas

I'd 'Kill Myself' If I was a man.
~ Lena Dunham

Feminism is the Patriarchy.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

I would give rape hoaxers the same sentence the guy would have got if she'd been believed but that's just me.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

We live in a society where women wilt and men age like fine wine. And, for a long time, women accepted it. We were waiting for society to change, but now we're taking leadership. It would be a lie.
~ Charlize Theron

"You can't be for equality if you're not a feminist" has a big "you can't be moral if you're not a Christian" vibe to it.
~ Vernculis @Vernaculis

I had a conversation with a feminist today, and no one got accused of rape or misogyny. In fact, I may have swayed her slightly.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

It would be really nice though if Tubman could be celebrated for her actual achievements as opposed to just 'Yay a woman on money!"
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis

#YesAllWomen deserve the right to life, but #Feminists support killing them in the womb. Hmm interesting, eh?
~ State of Daniel @stateofDaniel

There is a world of difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Unfortunately, feminism advocates for the latter.
~ Louper @louper5

As a feminist Apache helicopter I find it really gross that you would assume I'm white or privileged.
~ Lauren Southern

Any equality that demands sacrificing freedom is a terrible solution. Freedom of choice and expression is our most sacred asset.
~ Louper @louper5

Saying that "all lives matters" negates "black lives matter" is like saying "egalitarianism" negates "feminism."
~ Paul Ruggeri

There's nothing more unattractive than a man who blames predestination for his own failures and a woman who blames men for her own vulnerability... Blame thyself.
~Sanhita Baruah

The real woman does not want to be equal but different.
Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
~ @WomanPowerCode

Every scar has a story. Don't be afraid to tell it.
~ @FamousWomen

Ladies who play with fire must remember that smoke gets in their eyes.
~ Mae West

Sicario takes what would have been a great emotionally complex female protagonist and undermines her via repeated victimization and abuse.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I like men who have a future and women who have a past.
~ Oscar Wilde

A woman needs a man, more than a man needs a woman. We can thank prostitutes for that.
~ Robert Black

A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.
~ Oscar Wilde

Better to be strong than pretty and useless.

How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?

You protect the king, but the Queen is more powerful. True gamers know this. To be fair, games with strong female leads have been a thing since like, chess.

Some 'libertarians' claim that if you don't enthusiastically support homosexuality, believe all races are totally equal in all ways, and that there is no essential difference between men and women, then you are one of those horrible racist, sexist ageist, lookist homophobes.
~ Bob Wallace

Writing on Gender Studies makes you a scientist in the same way that falling down a flight of stairs makes you a physicist.

The goal is to liberate people of all genders from the dehumanization of being reduced to sex objects, not to reduce everyone to that level.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I sexually identify as a Lamborghini.
~ Jenna Abrams @Jenn_Abrams

Feminism is dead. The movement is absolutely dead. The women's movement tried to suppress dissident voices for way too long. There’s no room for dissent. Feminist ideology is like a new religion for a lot of neurotic women. You can't talk to them about anything.
~ Camille Paglia

In a world, where the female of the species is discriminated still, no real knowledge is to be had, no true evolution achieved. For true knowledge is not a matter of dominance and ego, nor is real evolution achieved by exclusion.
~ Iris von Brnadstatter

The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.
~ Linda Gordon

From day one, feminism has hated men, women, children and happiness.
~ Janet Bloomfield @AnreaHardie

In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team, they are the ball.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Only non-gamers think the reward is at the end of the game instead of playing the game being in-and-of itself the reward. That's like saying the reward of a bag of sweets is when they're all gone instead of their taste while eating them. Unless I'm supposed to get actual women for completing games... and given how many games I've completed, WHERE IS MY HUGE PILE OF WOMEN I'M OWED!?
~ Andy Semple

Being a slut is not good for you and will not make you happy. It won't.
~ Janet Bloomfield

Expression and communication of emotion is very gendered in our culture. Early on we're taught the toxic idea that "women feel and men act."
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

Men should have to prove inconsequential things, but women should be believed on everything. ~ Matthew Damian @LovableCynic

Obviously a drawing of a person is not a real person, but a drawing of a line is a real line.
~ Sol LeWitt 

#RecentSudiesSuggest that #FeminismIsCancer, which is why there are #WomenAgainstFeminism.
~ H*nnah W*llen @Oneiorosgrip

If your movement requires inflicting guilt to indoctrinate followers, your movement is irrelevant. ~ Matthew Damian @LovableCynic

I sometimes really worry about speaking up about feminist subjects out of fear of being bashed by women on social media.
~ Maisie Williams

The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who lie under Islamic law.
~ Caroline Glick

Feminists yelled more abour Richard Dawkins tweeting a video then about the Cologne rape attacks. Pathetic.
~ Norbelta @Norbdelta

Any religion which sacrifices women to the brutality of men is no religion.
~ Julia Ward Howe

Feminists assume that marital traditions such as father giving the bride away were a reflection of Patriarchy. But the father gave away the bride because it was the father giving away his responsibility to protect. (no one gave the man away because no one would protect a man. The job of the parent was to turn the son into a protector, not give him away to a protector).
~Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power

A Barbie in a pretty pink dress: This is Barbie. Throughout the years, she has been the center of much controversy, because feminists claim she represents an unrealistic, unhealthy and unfair standard of beauty, leading to a “crisis” for young girls and their self-esteem. Next to Barbie is an image of an extremely muscular man with bulging muscles that would put Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame. He is wearing a breastplate, his legs are bare and muscular and he is carrying a broadsword in one hand with a battle-axe strapped to his back: THIS IS HE-MAN.

I have been attacked by militant feminists since I got on twitter. That’s something I’m used to. Every breed of feminism is attacking every other breed, and every sub-section of liberalism is always busy attacking another sub-section of liberalism, because God forbid they should all band together and actually fight for the cause.
~ Joss Whedon

The one person who will never leave us, whom we will never lose, is our self; learning to love our female selves is where our search for love must begin.
~ Bell Hooks.

That is the corrosive paradox of gender feminism's misandrist stance: no group of women can wage ware on men without at the same time denigrating the women who respect those men. It is just not possible to in criminate men without implying that large numbers of women are fools or worse.
~ Christina Hoff Sommers

Real relationships don’t involve fantasies. They are all about facing the nitty gritty details of life with humor and cheer and compromise and most of all, an infallible sense of being together in the storm. You can’t image away your partner’s flaws, nor your own. You have to face them, and try to keep your head and stay rational and sane even when you feel like you will lose your mind if he fails once again to break down the empty cereal box before piling it up on all the other recycling.
~ Janet Bloomfield

First, this is a woman who clearly doesn’t give a s*** about her child’s well-being and future prospects – children of single mothers do poorly on every imaginable scale: they have emotional problems, experience more stress, are more likely to grow up poor, they have lower educational achievements and experience way more behavioral problems than children who grow up with married parents. Depression, suicide, drug, jail and psychiatric medication are more common in populations of children raised by single mothers. Second, single mothers are clearly really, really sh**ty at making life decisions. Having a child out of weblock is pretty much the number one thing you can do to f*** up your life. You can pick up a heroin addiction, drop out of high school, rob a bank or decide to write the American novel financing yourself on you credit cards. All of those things can be fixed. You can go to rehab, get your GED, get parole, and pay off those cards. But once you have a child, you cannot take it back. It’s done.
~ Janet Bloomfield

The gender binary is an entirely artificial and socially constructed division of male and female into two distinctly separate and opposing classes of human being. The gender binary also erases the continuum of gender presentations and identifies that fall outside of the rigid masculine/feminine false and within that strict binary; women are “marked”, while men get to remain largely “unmarked.”
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves.
~ John Berger, Ways of Seeing

Apparently the Amazing Atheist is "harassing" Anita Sarkeesian by running a more successful fundraiser that might actually help women. LOL!
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

If someone disagrees with a Social Justice Warrior and is white or straight, they will likely be told to educate themselves or check their privilege. It is an attack on an individual’s characteristics instead of their argument. It's not dissimilar from saying, your arguments is white therefore your argument is invalid. In fact, based on the definition of racism ... it would appear as though assuming someone is privileged or disadvantaged based on their skin color is in fact racist.
~ Lauren Southern @Lauren_Southern

Do what you want to do, say what you want to say, some people will like it, others won't. That's just life. Appreciate the positive, don't dwell on the negative, but please, for the love of God, stop pretending women are fragile subhuman who cannot handle text on the internet.
~ June @shoeonhead

I like how these people (Social Justice Warriors) always put down Western Society as if there a better society. I'm pretty sure in Russia I would get chased down by Putin's mob, in the Middle East, I'd get thrown off a building and in Africa, I'd straight up just get murdered onsite, so where is this... you're pretty damn lucky to live here.
~ Blaire White @MsBlaireWhite

Women who are struggling economically or coping with gender biased, they are going to best served by truth and careful research, not high spin, factoids or advocacy data. We will all be better served by truth. So; White House, members of Congress, journalists and everyone else, stop using the specious wage gap statistic. Just let it go.
~ Christina H. Sommers @CHSommers

Feminist websites like to blame "trolls" when they inevitably fail. But trolls are the only reason they have any traffic at all.
~ Milo Yiannopoulos

Culture hates women.
~ Laurie Penny

Princesses are part of deeply authoritarian monarchy systems and as such should not be something we encourage young girls to aspire towards.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

So bored of racists who pretend to care about women's rights when they see an opportunity to bash Muslims.
~ Laurie Penny

It is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic or pernicious aspects.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Video games have a huge impact on our society because the media plays a role in helping to shape our attitudes. So it's not just fantasy.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

I have been in the heart of this movement since day one and all I have seen is nothing but acceptance and support from many smart, funny, talented, passionate women and men who just love video games and want to protect their hobby from corruption and a forced agenda. The only harassment I ever see comes from anonymous egg accounts that were made that day and other third parties attempting to stir sh**. All I see from this side is gamergate telling these trolls to f*** off and report the accounts. The only hatred I see is hatred for liars, corrupted media and con artists. Anti- gamergate blocks and silences minorities and women who do not fit their narrative and who are a threat to their agenda. They even have a program designed to mass block everyone who has a different opinion than them. I was doxxed by the "anti-gamergate" side the second week everything happened and my personal information [as well as private pictures] were added to a list alongside many other pro-gamergate people like: Milo, Adam and Totalbiscuit. The media never covers any of the awful things that anti-gg does because it did not fit the narrative. Most if not all of those against gg cannot get it through their heads that we are individuals. They are unable to not groupthink. one bad apple = all of gamergate. One gamergate person is a homophobe = all of gamegate. They throw us into labels like "conservatives" (even though it been proven 90% of gg are left wing) and cover their ears screaming "misogyny" when faced with facts or logic. It's absoutely bizarre. They can kick and scream sexism all they want. They can edit wikipedia pages. They can block out women's voices and hide in thir little echo chamber all they want. The truth will always prevail.
~ June @ShoeOnHead

One of the core messages in many video games is "kill or be killed." That is a very political message with deep ideological underpinnings.
~ Jonathan Mcintosh

Lies within the first five seconds of the video. Please point to the game which are showing violent depictions of women being raped. Oh, no, never mind, it's not about news, it's about yellow sensationalism. The truth does not apply when ideology is at play. Gentle reminder that the Mainstream Media is no friend to the game industry and has been relentless in its negative depiction of it for decades. This interview was astonishingly one-sided and unsurpisingly the interviewed critic (Anita Sarkeesian) lacked actual critical solutions to solving what she views as a problem to begin with. Next time, why not interview one of the many thousands of talented women working in this space to get an actual perspective on what it's like, rather than someone who professionally baits controversy yet seems to lack the necessary knowledge to provide any tangible improvements that could be made to address the perceieved problems.
~Total Biscuit

"Don't like it, don't buy it" is a bad argument. Cultural criticism isn’t about personal preferences, it's about examining meaning in media.
~ Jonanthan Mcintosh

The ironic problem with the way Anita Sarkeesian and her followers see these tropes is that if a woman at any point is in need of help, she gets labeled as a damsel in distress and everything else about her character becomes irrelevant. If a female character is sexy, she is a sex object and nothing more.

The United States bombed [japan] back to traditional values - feminism does not exist in Japan. While I don't like judging an entire culture...that does not excuse them.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

That is the problem, Anita, Brianna, and so many others are crying "harassment", "hatred", etc. just because someone is criticizing them. It has become a complete joke. Anita even stated in a panel that she wanted to pressure game developers to make games that she deems appropriate, but I'm sorry, I may not be a AAA developer, but I am not going to be told what I can and can't make. These people, as well as both sides of the controversy are allowed to say what they want within reason thanks to our rights and freedoms, but they aren't going to censor my right to expression through video games.That is another thing that makes me laugh. Apparently, calling for no more use of certain tropes and no more sexualized female characters in games isn't censorship in their minds.
~ Clayton Weavor

Stories matter. Stories are how we make sense of the world, which doesn't mean that those stories can't be stupid and stupid and simplistic and full of lies. Stories can exaggerate and offend and they always, always matter.
~ Laurie Penny

There's no such thing as sexism against men. That's because sexism is prejudice plus power. Men are the dominant gender with power in society.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

There's no such thing as racism against jews. That's because racism is prejudice plus power. Jews are the dominant race with power in society.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Male Entitlement is the conviction that men are owed something by virtue of their gender. It is the belief structure that tells men they deserve to have their whims catered to both culturally and interpersonally. One of the most harmful aspects of male entitlement is the belief that men have a right to survey and use women's bodies.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

As a child, I heard in my home doctors and ambulance men say, ‘Mrs. Stewart, you must’ve done something to provoke him.’ ‘Mrs. Stewart, it takes two to make an argument.’ Wrong. Wrong! My mother did nothing to provoke that - - and even if she had, violence is never ever a choice that a man should make. Ever.
~ Patrick Steward

I am gonna start a crowd funder called “Hey bitch give me a dollar” then donate it to homeless vets or something. Then start another one called “I don’t want to be a homeless vet” and donate that to me buying a small home in the woods. Lol.
~ ComocosonoEWL

I admire Anita. She has found a way to trick simple minded people into giving her hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for absolutely nothing. Once I figure out how to do the same, I’ll let you all know.
~ Cub Games

A fool and their money are soon parted and these days I am surprised that they even get together in the first place.
~ Citzen Smith

If Anita Sarkeesian doesn’t like all the male dominated media out there why doesn’t she stay away from it and surround herself with people who do the same? If she doesn’t want to constantly have people to treat her unfairly for being a woman why doesn’t she buzz her head and wear jeans and baggy clothes? The only reason she wears earrings and has long hair is because that is because that is the patriarchal expectation for women by her dressing within the confines of the expectation she is enforcing the driven society. My thoughts are she wouldn’t make money doing anything I said.
~ ZarPol

Manspreading. Yeah. Women don’t seem don’t seem to understand that balls need space.
~ Information Warfare

Anita Sarkeesian claimed she's been gaming all her life, and then took a picture next to a stack of games to prove she's a "gamer" yet... People have screen caps of her admitting she first picked up a game for the first time in her 20's. [A laughing face.] Long story short... Anita's a con artist who doesn't drink her own koolaid nor believe in her own preaching. Sadly people buy into her bull, and throw money at her.
~ SlavenHarkin

Finally figured out a fix to batman’s ass blocking cape, assless pants/cape combo, LOL, seriously who pays [Anita Sarkeesian] to consult? And why? Only reason I can think of is her name in the credits to make the feminazis feel good.

I’m now almost positive that half of the “feminists” aren’t even “feminists”, their just women who want to be treated better than men and will do whatever it takes for people to agree with them.
~ Kassidy Pitman

[Anita Sarkeesian] reminds me of a feminist that tried to get my husband fired because refused to serve her ahead of everyone else in line at his place of employment and made her wait her place in line like everyone else had to. He was called to the supervisor’s office an hour later and had to face being accused of making sexist comments, refusing to serve her because she was a woman and several other accusations. What she didn’t know is the work stations are under constant video and sound observation. Even when confronted with evidence she lied, refusing to relent and was told to leave and was banned from the establishment.
~ Lisa Winn