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chiasmus: (ky-AZ-mus) n. a reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases. chiastic adj

Anita ON Mad Max


Dear dudes: Please don't surreptitiously take photos of women without their knowledge or consent. It's beyond creepy. Even fictional ones. That's rape.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Am I extremely tired or is there not a single female speaking character in the first episode of Mandelorian? I’ve gotta have missed something right?
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Everything is sexist, everything racist and everything homophobic and you have to point it all out.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


"Everything's a straw man. Everything's an ad hom. Everything's a fallacy and you need to point it all out" - Internet Sarkeesian.
~ Vernaculis @Vernaculis


Paradoxically and somewhat ironically, those who most strongly believe that media is just harmless entertainment are also the ones most likely to uncritically internalize harmful media messages.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Opposition to legal abortion takes magical thinking and a lack of logic.
~ Anita Sarkeesian

Male Entitlement is the conviction that men are owed something by virtue of their gender. It is the belief structure that tells men they deserve to have their whims catered to both culturally and interpersonally. One of the most harmful aspects of male entitlement is the belief that men have a right to survey and use women's bodies.
~ Anita Sarkeesian
One of the most radical things you can do, is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


There's no such thing as racism against jews. That's because racism is prejudice plus power. Jews are the dominant race with power in society.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


There's no such thing as sexism against men. That's because sexism is prejudice plus power. Men are the dominant gender with power in society.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


The United States bombed [japan] back to traditional values - feminism does not exist in Japan. While I don't like judging an entire culture...that does not excuse them.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Video games have a huge impact on our society because the media plays a role in helping to shape our attitudes. So it's not just fantasy.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


It is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic or pernicious aspects.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Princesses are part of deeply authoritarian monarchy systems and as such should not be something we encourage young girls to aspire towards.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


In the game of patriarchy, women are not the opposing team, they are the ball.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


The goal is to liberate people of all genders from the dehumanization of being reduced to sex objects, not to reduce everyone to that level.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Sicario takes what would have been a great emotionally complex female protagonist and undermines her via repeated victimization and abuse.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Flippantly using misogynist imagery to show how bad an evil character is trivializes the experiences of actual victims of gendered violence.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


(The reason we can't have sexy video game characters):
It links our vales as human beings within our culture to our desirability to men and it reinforces our culturally-influenced ideas about who gets to be considered desirable and who doesn’t.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Even if an individual woman can make patriarchy work for her, it's still a losing game for the rest of the women on the planet. The fact of the matter is that some choices have ramifications beyond ourselves and reinforce harmful patriarchal ideas about women as a group and about women's bodies in our wider shared culture.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Feminist media analysis is rarely as simple as "No, this is not sexist" or "Yes, this is sexist". Within both media and society itself, unexamined sexist beliefs and actions are pervasive, sometimes in very obvious ways, but also in more subtle and often unexamined ones. For example, we don't bat an eye if the main cast of an action film is composed entirely of men, but if the cast is all female it is often seen as bizarre or noteworthy. These attitudes are very much like air pollution.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


I'm going to show you a remix that I just finished this weekend and no one else has seen, one person has seen it, it's a soundtrack of one song except I'm doing video games so it's not exactly a fan, I'm not a fan of video games; I actually had to learn a lot about video games in the process of making this.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


It’s so cute when men's rights activist and atheist dudes who clearly don’t play video games try to talk about video games.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


Not a coincidence it's always men and boys committing mass shootings. The pattern is connected to ideas of toxic masculinity in our culture.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


I've actually read many studies that state the opposite, that gender segregated classrooms improve learning (same with race).
~ Anita Sarkeesian


My analysis is very well researched. It's double and triple checked!
~ Anita Sarkeesian


The goal is to liberate people of all genders from the dehumanization of being reduced to sex objects, not to reduce everyone to that level.
~ Anita Sarkeesian


One repercussion of constantly relying on feminizing signifiers for character design is that it tends to reinforce a strict binary form of gender expression.
~ Anita Sarkeesian