Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Tragedy of the Prequels


Tragedy of the Prequels

Anakin too young.
Anakin a slave.
Anakin is Jesus.
Anakin a lousy lover.

In order to keep the characters like stanzas in a poem as George Lucas promised us he would have needed to keep the ages within the same ranges as in the Original Trilogy. Harrison was the older one and Mark and Carrie were younger. Making Anakin a mere boy was too much of a contrast and to not even be played by the same actor really threw the chemistry off a great deal. Seldom do whiney guys get the attention of the more sophisticated world leader, whereas Han had the presence of being around the block a few times and Anakin was actually very wet behind the ears and when he does win it appears to be only by luck at times and not at all any skill.

When in Episode 4 Obi tells Luke that his father was a great pilot I for one was not thinking of a little kid riding around in a go-cart. That was not even a close call. We should have had Anakin at an age, much closer to Luke and if you wanted to also have a young Padme that would be fine because that would all be equal to the Original Trilogy. Another problem is when in Episode 2 Obi and Anakin don't stick together. The key part of the Original Trilogy is there is a group of people that work together to reach their goals. In Episode 1 Obi does not really spend any time with Anakin and in Episode 2 Obi does not really spend any time with Anakin either and the relationship with Padme is not much there at all so you cannot have a love story on the time that was given when in the Original Trilogy Han and Leia for all the time they spent together all they ever got to the point was kissing and to think that Anakin and Padme got to sexual intercourse is really something when at the start of Episode Two they hardly knew each other, not having seen each other for more than 10 years or more so to take that relationship to overdrive in that time is kind of irresponsible no less.

Then there was no mention of Anakin being the chosen one that would bring order to the force and that he was a slave that would be blown up because he had a bomb in his head or that the Jedi would have a practice of taking children from their parents at such a young age never to be seen again. All these elements are really are new to the series now and do not reflect in any of the stories so far so all the stories in the Extended Universe do not reflect them as Luke and Leia got married and had kids, but in the prequels they make this seem taboo.

That loving someone is taboo in itself. Clearly Anakin's mother was set to be killed to cause a crack, only there were no protections put in place to stop this from happening and it was only a small ray of hope that Anakin's mother was ever freed as a slave in the first place. Also the reason that Anakin turns to the dark side seem pointless as dying in child birth is not common in our current times and the reason said that Padme died was of a "broken heart", surely the technology was there to keep her alive and to top that off in Episode 6 Luke asked his twin sister Leia about her real mother and she said she was sad and that she knew her real mother, but in Episode 3 Padme dies after the twins are born.

Another point is the Sith. The idea that one man can take out thousands of super Jedi is a little too much to bear. Somehow all the clones have chips in their head that makes them switch sides at the drop of a hat after years of fighting side by side with the Jedi is forgotten just like that? That is just too much to swallow here. I am not buying that anymore and neither was I buying the reason why Anakin decided to switch to the dark side. That was much too easy a choice. All the way from Episode 1 Anakin had it easy as everything he does comes too easy for him and he keeps showing off to Obi and being better of him in everything then the only one time where the plot needed to have Obi beat him down that’s exactly what happened and that doesn’t make any sense when Obi tells Anakin that he has the higher ground and Obi slices off three of his limbs.

Vader wasn't the learner when he lost. Vader was, indeed, the master and he showed that mastery again and again, so there was no fooling the watchful on this. Now that certainly is some kind of trick. It looks like the pacing is way off and there was no hope to piece this mess of a trilogy together and not only did not the films work within the trilogy itself it did not work within the form of six film either, which only leads to a bigger problem when Disney was tasked with completing the saga to a frame all 9 films in total. Because the prequels created some major plot holes as it tried to be the most grand possible, filling it in with too many unnecessary details while leaving out too many key points. Mostly the story was not meant to be told on film and instead was meant to be told in cartoons and comics and books and video games and having the whole story told on film was no longer in the picture anymore, very much like Swiss cheese we were dealing with a tale with way too many holes that were meant to be.