Maxwell Blue's Oubliette:

Nine Things Not To Do

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9. Sleep in. Don't lose your hours. Take charge of your day. When you’re up early you can plan. Without time there is no way to strategize. They say that when an hour is lost from your morning you spend the rest of the day trying to catch it. And when charging ahead there is no accounting of what riches you would have encountered that day


8. Eat poorly. Fast food will drain your body and mind. Learn to cook and obtain the knowledge to use a chief’s knife and a cutting board. There is only one way to know what is in your food and that is by making it yourself. If you don’t mind eating the same meal each day there is no reason you can’t learn to make a healthy meal and repeat it for the rest of the week. Over time you could find another healthy meal and then another and soon you’ll will be saying goodbye to prepackaged and take out meals.


7. Skip Exercise. We need to exercise for least 30 minutes a day. Anyone can work-out. This activity will fuel the body and give the required energy to the weary and the strength earned for the days ahead. Gym memberships aren’t required for those that want to partake; just those with the will to pursue the goals of wellness for every tomorrow, having a mind to keep the cobwebs of decay away and a body we can trust to get us there.


6. Watch TV. Successful people watch less than one hour a day. The pressure of their goals is a motivator that spurs them beyond the usual long periods of down time. Often they have more than one project taking place at the same time, which doesn’t allow much delay. As the old saying goes, “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”


5. Dwell on problems. Attack your problems. Problems can spark success. The greatness of almost everything in the world was the product of someone else’s problems. For every problem there is an answer or a workaround that can bind the way. Don't spin in the shadows always trying to catch your own tail. Plan a movement forward, a way beyond the troubles that has you at an impasse.


4. Don't Read. Big Gates reads 50 books a years. It is the best way to become a better thinker, a better planner and a better achiever. Some of the best books to read are biographies because we can live more fully by acquiring the knowledge of others. As well as enriching ourselves with self-help books so we can learn new skills and hone the skills you already possess.


3. Forget to Invest. Either with money or with ourselves. When every day is invested wisely the yearly outcome can amass a fortune.


2. Live in chronic pain. Take better care of yourself and don't allow health problems to because something that can roll out of control.


1. Resent Teamwork. Use the mind and ideas of others to get ahead. Don't try to do everything on your own. Take the time to look at yourself and admit when mistakes have been made and improve on them and become better because of it.